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please help on my allergy due to rain

Hi, i am not sure what kind of allergy is this?

when i go in rain or when i am in a lower temperature my body start developing hives. even when i wash my hand or face with ice water it is happening. when this happens, i feel a warmth in my ear side and my skin start itching and develops red bumps. but this started happening in my 18 yrs and it is not from birth.

please advice whether it is a skin disease or some vitamin problem in my body. please tell me is it curable? what should i do when i travel to cold countries ??
5 Responses
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Hi doctor
can u pls tell me what is anti histamines ? and if i need to live in US countries can i take anti histamines everyday? Or in the other way, if i need to travel to cold countries what should i do for my daily protection?? Thanks in advance
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, this is not curable but can only be controlled. You can keep anti histamines with you. Take care and regards.
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hi doctor,

All that u said is keeping away from cold temperature and cold water to avoid hives, But can u tell me is it not curable by any treatment???

Please help me in this, cos i have the situation of travelling to us 1 or 2 months. At that time i can not accept this hives in front of everyone and all will look me strange.

Pls Pls this is a big problem to me. is this curable???
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, from your history it suggests that you having allergy to water or its contents. Very less has been known about water allergy. It can be due to exposure to allergens present in water in your area or due to ions in non-distilled water. Another strong possibility is it can be associated with cold urticaria. This condition needs to be differentiated from cold urticaria wherein hives appear following exposure to cold condition but not with warm water.

If you are allergic to water or cold temperature following measures will help you-
- Stay away from water as long as possible.
- Avoid going in rain outside.
- Keep yourself warm during winter (cold season) with the help of warmers and sweaters.
- Try boiling water before bath and as well can try hot water bath. Avoid showers.
- Dry yourself immediately as soon you finish your bath.  

If you want to enjoy the shower/water bath/ swimming then you can try anti histamines against prescription prophylactic i.e. one hour before the exposure.

I hope this will help you. Take care and regards.
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1471818 tn?1286975626

I am a holistic allergist practicing with a technique called "Bio-Energetic Intolerance Elimination". If you google "The Institute of Natural Health Technologies" you can find a list of practitioners on that site.

Your condition is actually more common than one would expect. It is a sensitivity to certain "Geopathic Stressors" and weather changes. I have personally helped many clients with conditions similar to yours find relief.

It is not a skin disease, and it can be helped. It is a condition that you will continue to experience chronically until you undergo a desensitization session to rebalance the energy meridians of your body at a cellular level to recognize that "cold" temperatures are not foreign nor harmful to you. Once the session is complete, your body will no longer adversely react to these temperatures.

There is a video on that website that will explain more in-depth how the process works, however there is hope for your situation and you should be able to go back to normal optimal health and functioning within a few sessions.

Hope that helps. You can always email me personally to ask more questions. My personal email is listed on my profile.

Hope that helps.
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