408312 tn?1202058873

Lips swollen, inflamed with small blisters

Hello !

Six months ago my wife started having episodes of Lips that were swollen, inflamed with very small blisters.  In a topical sense both organic Shea butter and cortisone cremes do help.

Current theory is that this is triggered by some sort of food additive allergy or intolerance with the prime candidate being free glutamates such as Monosodium glutamate, Yeast extract or  Hydrolyzed protein (or perhaps dozens of other names on ingredient labels).

Problems in establishing an exact cause and effect are (1) unpredictable lag times between ingestion of the suspect food and (2) her lips during an episode become so very sensitive that most any free glutamates such as those found in low concentrations in natural fruits and vegetables seem to propagate the symptoms.

Any Ideas ?

Thanks so much !
Colorado, USA.
21 Responses
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I have answered your post in the pther thread - but also posting the reply here too.

You should use a moisturising lip balm with sunscreen - preferably a medicated one - ask your dermatologist to prescribe you one.

You also need to drink plenty of water - 1.5 to 2 litres per day and eat a balanced diet and supplement any viamins or minerals for the deficiency in your diet. Take vitamin B complex for some days.

Apply a glycerine based lip cream at night.

Keep the area clean - wash your face with a face wash several times a day and also clean your face after each meal with a wet tissue or wash it with water generously.

If the symptoms still persist, you should get a review from your dermatologist.

Let us know if you have any doubts.

Good luck.
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can you read mine and see if this sounds familiar???? I would like some answers too???
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Has she seen an allergy specialist for her symptoms? Has food allergy testing been done?

She should avoid foods with MSG and see if that helps.

In case she does have an allergic reaction, she should immediately take antihistamine or antiallergic medications.

Do let us know if you have any doubts and keep us posted about how she is doing.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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