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Lost and Confused? allergy test with diff results!

I am very frazzled! I have been at war with allergies my whole life. It was not until my teens that I started to develop a horrible rash that would appear with bad allergies. I was tested when i was younger (9 yr or younger) and it was decided that I was allergic to trees, pollen, mold, animal dander, dust, grass etc. I got my shots for many years and was stopped. I was retested right before i got pregnant bc i was struggling with the rash and allergies bad. my test came back pretty much the same. I had my son and was tested again with similar results. All of these test had been skin tests and the two test were by diff doctors. I had to switch doctors bc the one that had started my back on shots fell ill. The doctors at the new office wanted me to do a blood allergy test bc the people at the last office took horrible notes and they had no idea where i was in my treatment.
   The results of this test really got me confused. i went in today and the nurse told me that i tested negative for trees and grasses and dog but really high for cat allergy. This pretty much contradicts what I have been getting shots for well my whole life. How can this be so dramatically different? The last time I was tested b4 this blood test was less than 2 yrs ago? I thought the shots were helping a lot but I was told the reason they were "helping" was bc i tested negative. I am fed up with this allergy stuff. It seems like i cant find a way to get comfortable in my own skin. I dont get how when i get licked by a dog i develop a rash and get itchy and full of allergies but test negative on this blood test. I get tested for foods in december. I am just so confused and dont know how this makes any sense at all. my whole life being told i was allergic to everything inside and out and now nothing but more miserable than ever... help! Has anyone gone through this before or have any advice?
2 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
I got no help from allergists. Then I went to an MD/kinesologist. With each visit he rid me of one allergy - forever.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, strong possibility is Atopic dermatitis which is seen due to allergic background and Contact dermatitis due to direct skin exposure to a substance which can be a allergen or irritant.

As allergic reactions are IgE mediated, blood tests will show increase in these levels secondary allergy. The problem with allergen testing is sometimes the amount of food they challenge with may be not sufficient to elicit any allergic reactions. When such allergen exposure is in large quantities can elicit allergic reaction. You need to note down such allergens and also in your diary and avoid further exposure in future. Stay away from pets as they are potential reservoir of allergens.

I suggest you to consult skin specialist/ immunologist for further line of management. Take care and regards.
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