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MIA contact after using antihistamine drops

I acccidentally slept in my extended-wear contacts and, during the night, had some allergy issues.  Not realizing my contacts were in my eyes, I used antihistamine eye drops.  This morning, one of my contact lenses is not on my iris--it feels like it's stuck way back under my eyelid, but I cannot dislodge it or see any evidence that it is still in my eye.  Is it possible that the antihistamine drops dissolved or ate the contact?
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I have personally been warned by my optometrist not to put drops that aren't specifically for contacts in my eyes as it can change the consistency of the contact.  If you still feel like it's stuck, go to your optometrist and have them look at it ASAP.  You don't want that sitting in there.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the consistency of the contacts should not alter due to anti histaminic eye drops. There are two possibilities, one the contacts might have slipped and got out of eye. Secondly, it would have struck in the upper eyelid.

Avoid rubbing your eyes. Visit your ophthalmologist without delay and get a detailed evaluation of the eye. Take care and regards.
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