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Is Psoriasis a  allergic condition? What do you think?
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Psoriasis is a skin condition- not contagious or allergy-related.

It sometimes breaks out when you are under a lot of stress, or if someone in your family has it.

I was diagnosed six months ago- I'm thirteen. I'm lucky though- I only have it on the back of my neck. Although the doctor said later in life I could get it on my elbows and knees, etc.
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Psoriasis is generally a disease of the skin and leads to development of patches of well defined scaly, flaky areas on the skin. Areas involved usually are knees, elbows, shin and extensor portions of the body.

It has a genetic and immune component related. It is not contagious.

More information on Psoriasis may be found at :




Let us know if you need any further information.

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No, psoriasis is not allergy related, and it's also not contagious. It's caused by genetics and your immune system acting up. Instead of the normal 20-24 day (I'm not sure if I got those numbers correcth) reproduction rate, your skin cells reproduce every 3-4 days, causing the dead cells to pile up. I've had it my entire life, and generally stress and pool chemicals affect it the most.
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