1249990 tn?1269455940

Metal allergy

Where can I go get tested for palladium, cooper, silver, and aluminum?  These are some of the metals in my PFM dental crown that I believe I may be allergic to.  I've called around to some of the dermatologists' offices in my area, but they don't test for those metals - only nickel.  My ENT office also only tests for nickel.  Is there a blood test my GP can order for me?

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

3 Responses
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1215994 tn?1322067791
hi,its me sue.i think only melisa is the only one that test for that.i think? sue
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1249990 tn?1269455940
Maybe, but there has to be an easier way to get metal testing.  I received a list of clinics from the State Dental School, so I'm going to start calling the clinics in my area.  If they don't do testing, maybe they will know who around here does.

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Avatar universal
Your doctor should be able to refer you for those tests, mabee see with the hospitals if the have the testing available,
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