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Mineral allergies

I'm wondering if there are any.home remedies

I slowly diagnosed myself. As a child my mom wondered why I always had a rash under my bellybutton. After putting a gold necklace on my and the same rash appeared, she knew I was allergic to metal but that was only the tip of the iceburg.

Over the years I come to realize its many metals. Iron, zinc, potassium, copper, etc.... Fruits vegetables, canned goods, soaps. Daily vitamines, lotions, even tattoos and beer. Minerals are everwhere.

Before a simple itch in my throat and ears with a rash would appear... Lately now that im older it feels like someone is standing on my throat and has be quiver in pain in intervals for seconds at a time after its ingested. I cant get tattoos which sux and I have to buy certain watches or rings. Stainless steel. Only non-organic fruit and vegatables im able to tolerate. Go figure. The unnutritional.

Ive had lower back surgery. They said it was an ingrown hair. They later said there wasnt any in the fist sized cyst. They later called me and said it was an allergic reaction. To change my detergents. Maybe it was the marijuana. I also have enormouse allergies to grass, pollen, dander...

I love beer. I love new wild beers. Now even bud light puts a lump in my throat. Did they change the bins?? However its being processed maybe. I now only have mixed drinks. Orange, cranberry, and pinnapple juices only itches so
its tolerable.

I apologize if I sound like a novel and I wont cast blame to habbits my mom had. I just want to know if there is any remidy I can do, try, or go. Eating honey.. Yea metal in that too but it does help in allergie season for the pollen. Any advice would be nice.
Thank you
2 Responses
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1340994 tn?1374193977
I used to be allergic to lots of things until I discovered my food allergies.  I can't eat gluten (Celiac), nuts, peanuts, and dairy is not good either.  But I no longer have hay fever or allergies to roses since I stopped eating those foods.  

They don't really know the cause of pilonidal cysts, but they are not uncommon.  
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Thank you guys. As a kid I wasnt breast fed and ive been told that was a factor. I dont take man made suppliment though sometimes a centrum I do.
I only say allergies to.merijuana, though ive been clean for over 4 years now, because after surgery I did it and that same area enflamed
and itched like before. So never again
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