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Moon-face caused by Prednisone

I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am 25 & am on Prednisone(60mg),salasapyrin(500mg)& Plaquenil(200mg) per day. I have developed a large moon shaped face. I am swollen in the face & neck & hate what it is doing to my face. Will this swelling & fluid go away when I come off the steroids in five weeks? It is causing me to be depressed & family have noticed the change in my face & are worried for my health. I have heard some scary things about these drugs, prednisone in particular. Please is there anything that can stop the Moon face & would I benefit from taking a dieretic too?? P.s I have had an eye twitch every day for the last 3 dys in my left eye, lasting for approx 20secs & about every 10 mins? Could this b another side effect & should I worry about it as it is annoying & starting to get sore?
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Hey, I'm sixteen and i just found out i have u colitis. Im on 50 mg of pred. and my face is already getting fat as hell. I went from having pretty much no acne to breaking out all over. I've gained ten pounds and it's only been three weeks. what should i do to solve this b.s.?
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hey everyone, I am 41 years old and I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis in March and I was put on 60mg of pred a day for 3 months at the end of the 3 months is when I noticed my moon face, I am now on 40mg a day and hopefully in July I get to go down to 20mg. I have not gained any weight b/c I have been really watching what I eat and trying to stay active by riding my recumbent bike. I do hate the moon face, it makes me feel so ugly. i just want it to go away, I also have noticed that I get more tired now then I did before, but that's ok I just take more breaks during the day. I am glad to know that this will go away after I am off this drug.
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I agree with your advice. I have been put on prednisone for a very low platelet count.  I would rather have my beautiful new look then bleed or bruise myself back into the hospital where I had the pleasure of spending 12 days on my butt bored to pieces. Carol
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Prob due to lack of a healthy diet and exercise. The drug makes you eat more, possibly unhealthy things( sounds like your case since the weight didnt go away) Try exercising and changing diet then give advice......
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I was diagnosed with Auto Immune disease and Pulmonary Fibrosis 8 years ago. All doctors said I would die within 3 years, but I am still here and doing well. Was put on many medications including prednisone. 60 mg a day for a few years. Gained 80 pounds and have had very severe side effects, but with out it I will die so I deal with it. Some days better than others. They say you have a love/hate relationship with this drug and it is true!!
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I have been on Prednisone for 11 weeks now.  Since then I have gained the 30 lbs I just lost.  I was diagnosed with FSGS (Kidney diease), and also Nephrotic syndrome. The docs said they have to treat the disease aggressively, so they put me on 60 mg of Pred. a day.  I have tremors, I have the moon face real bad, and also the apple shaped stomache.  It has also caused me to go into this depression.  I look like the dough boy.  What works for me is to exercise and to walk a lot.  There is no help for the moon face and the apple stomache.  I still have about 10 more weeks before they can cut down my dosage.  So this is my look for the summer.  I am also on a dioretic,, which helps keep some of the swelling down, but it does not help with the moon face.  One thing to watch for is your salt intake, and also sugar.  Cause it makes the swelling worse.  
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