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Moon-face caused by Prednisone

I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am 25 & am on Prednisone(60mg),salasapyrin(500mg)& Plaquenil(200mg) per day. I have developed a large moon shaped face. I am swollen in the face & neck & hate what it is doing to my face. Will this swelling & fluid go away when I come off the steroids in five weeks? It is causing me to be depressed & family have noticed the change in my face & are worried for my health. I have heard some scary things about these drugs, prednisone in particular. Please is there anything that can stop the Moon face & would I benefit from taking a dieretic too?? P.s I have had an eye twitch every day for the last 3 dys in my left eye, lasting for approx 20secs & about every 10 mins? Could this b another side effect & should I worry about it as it is annoying & starting to get sore?
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Actually, that is not the definitive answer!  You were only on pred for quite a short period of time, therefore, your moonface went away fairly quickly. I was on pred for 8 YEARS - and I stopped the pred 6 months ago - and I still have a moonface,

So, it is perfectly clear, that the longer you are on pred, the longer it will take for the moonface to go away.

I wish 10 days was the norm, but sadly it is not.

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I was on prednisone uo to 60 mg for 5 weeks. On the last week ending at 20 mg I developed a hideous moon face, I looked around on the internet to find out when it would go away to no avail.  No answers, just long personal stories. So, I will tell you it went away in 10 days after cessation of prednisone. Water and exercise accelerated the process. So that is the definitive answer, if you are looking for it.

Then again, my symptoms came back after cessastion, so I have to find a level of predisone that does not produced the moon face. I'll let you know when I figure that out.

The answer to this question is....10 days - longer if you do not excercise or drink tons of water. Dramatic when moon face happens, dramatic when it leaves!

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Hi Gang:  I've been on Prednisone since 2001 for a kidney transplant and then a pancreas transplant in 2002.   I have to stay on Prednisone as long as I have transplants. I've gone down to 5 mg since about 2003, but I have seriously big moonface.  I know many are hoping it goes away with a lesser dose, but that didn't happen for me.  I hate it too,  I am not overweight (actually underweight a bit), but I was careful since the beginning to not overeat.  That didn't stop the moonface, however.  I don't pay attention much to being hungry, just eating the correct food portions, and I never put on much weight at all.  I did start out a bit underweight when I got the transplant, but I never really even went over my normal ideal weight.  I wonder if some of the weight gain people experience is giving in to that hunger Prednisone causes.  I have never been someone who is naturally thin without trying either.

Anyway, know you guys are not alone.  There are many of us with the chipmunk cheeks out there.  :)  I wish it wasn't so, but until they come up with a better drug, we are stuck.  I just wish whoever named this side effect would have called it something other than moonface!!!  I hate that!!
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codie1620 - I used to get a heavy feeling in my cheeks and face, especially if I was running, so I wouldnt worry too much about it..

I have been off steroids since November 2010 and I still have a moonface. Not as bad as it was, but my cheeks are still puffy. I really hate it!  When will it go away??  I was on steroids for a very long time - 9 years (due to UC) but I am now worried that my cheeks will remain puffy forever :(

I really hope that doesn't happen.  
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hi, ive been reading all the posts trying to look for an answer to my question. but not yet.  so here it is....i have been diagnosed with a serious lung disease so the specialists are trying me on prednisone.  40mg for 30 days, then 30 for 30 days, then 20 until im down to 10mgs everyday.  im down to 20 mgs now and i started my moon face about 3 weeks ago.  now i noticed that my cheeks are quite "hard" heavy feeling.  is this normal or common for those of you that have moon face?  i have to visit my primary dr on may 5th and i dont know if i should call and let him know about my face or if i should just wait until my reg visit.  if anyone can help me out soon, that would be great.   with sincere thanks
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hay all iam May 24 ..i have somthing in my blood i get transfusion every  2-3 week i have been like that for more than 7 years ..last feb my blood start to go down and the dr didnt know why so he put me on prednisolone 80 mg for 3 weeks and he said he will do 60mg for 3 weeks and 40 mg 3weeks and he will see what's gonna happen ...my problim is my stuped moon face and the weight !!!!! i'm not doing anything  or going any where ..i use to have a lot of energy and go out all day ..i dont even want to go to the college :( ...so my question is if there is a way i can lose some weight or feel a little better about my self cus i really cant take this any more !!!!!! btw i'm in the 4th week now !! so i have long way to go :(((
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