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I am having this problem for a very long time and I really don’t know what to do. Please advise.

1. My nasal (if I am not wrong, my right nasal) I always feels that a bit of mucus always goes down to my throat.

2. I always feel that the right nasal is always very dry. Sometime, I need to take small gulp of water and push the water to wet the dry surface (nasal cavity, I guess). If too much of water, it may get out from my nose.

3. And because of this problem, I always feel dehydrated and have to frequently sip water every now and then. If I don’t, my mouth and lip get dries up very fast. I have dry eyes too!

4. I have read some articles on  the above and do you think I have Sjogren's Syndrome.
4 Responses
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Hi JanetteD,

I'll start off my comments by saying I don't know what you're dealing with
so I can't tell you if you have Sjogren's Syndrome. What I can tell you is
that it's not called my nasal, it's called your nostril. Perhaps someone else
in this forum can help you figure out what condition you're dealing with.
Have you ever discussed these symptoms with your family doctor ?
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Hello there,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I visited my family doctor yesterday and I told him the problem I’m having,  He told me that it might not be Sjogren's Syndrome. Maybe it could be severe sinus and checked my nostril and told me that the issue inside is a bit swollen.  He prescribed me a nasal spray and to ask me to try out for 2-3 weeks.

If the problem persist, he will refer me to a specialist. I tried to use the nasal spray today morning and feel worst. The mucus keeps flowing back to my throat every now and then.

Let’s see…
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612551 tn?1450022175
I will not give any advice in contradiction to your doctor's so if what I say has interest to you, you may want to discuss with your doctor.

Next, it is good news to read your doctor also put to "rest" the Sjogren's fear, I believe the "WEB" is the tool of wrong self-diagnosis most of the time - same goes for this patient sharing, it is helpful at most, but not a diagnosis.

I have stuffy, congestion, so my experience is the opposite of yours, still I think some of what you say about dryness my benefit from the use of Saline spray.  I use it regularly for congestion (troublesome only when in bed), I believe Saline is a "natural" decongestant, but is also a moisturizer.

I have used two different prescription sinus sprays, neither worked better than Saline, and both cost about 20 times as much... her in the USA most of us have to pay for prescription medicine, it is not provided by the government, not yet at least, which makes the  market mor accountable for products that work, we don't pay for stuff that doesn't' work, but if "free" many would use it anyway.

Good luck, and best I can offer is my experience with prescription nasal spray is it takes a few days (I used these twice a day, morning and night) before any results are achieved.  As already noted, the results were not sufficient for me to continue using.
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Hi Janette,

You're very welcome. Just finished reading the comment Jerry_NJ sent
to you. I've also used a saline solution with much success. One brand
I've used has a dolphin jumping on the box. I think it's called Hydra sense
and it's available in pharmacies without a prescription. Good luck to you.
I hope you get some relief soon.   Eve
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