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Permanent side effects of phenergen (promethazine hydrochloride, 25mg tablets)

I have been taking phenergen, 25mg tablets daily for a few years now because of an allergy to wheat (I find it hard to go off wheat while still eating healthy, and I thought phenergen was safe)

I have only started to look at the side effects and I'm more worried about the serious ones such as:
Tardive dyskinesia

Or any of the others related to nerve damage. I was just wandering, are these side effects permanent? Or would the go away after I stopped taking the pills?

I dont take any other medications other than basic painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol) , vitamins and fish oil.

I am seeing a doctor in a weeks time to talk about alternatives, but I would like, what I hope will be, peace of mind.

Thanks in advance
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209987 tn?1451935465
The side effects should go away within a short time after stopping the medication.

If you are experiencing any unusual symptoms, you should stop taking them now and tell your doctor next week.

If you developed the above mentioned conditions...they would become permanent. You would need to take other medications to control them, or learn to deal with them. I have RLS and it's not fun.

If you are having the symptoms of any of those conditions it could just be a side effect of the pills, and not the development of the conditions themselves.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks, I think Ill be changing medication then, not worth long term permanent damage
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