1485281 tn?1287948392

Neck Pain and Sinus Infection

Has anyone had terrible neck pain while having a bad sinus infection? I have had a sinus infection since August that won't go away! I have been on very strong antibiotics and steroids. My neck pain is very bad and stops me from almost doing anything around the house. The pain is at the base of my head on the right side and radiates down to my neck and shoulder and last night down my arm. I have never had pain in my neck that has lasted so long. I even moan through the night trying to find a comfortable position. Could anyone tell me if the sinus infection and the neck pain be related. Thanks!
25 Responses
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I get generally inflammation from sinus infections (or any infection); the herniated discs in my neck KILL when I have a sinus or any infection.  Also knees hips elbows too.  Debilitating.   But I uUse homeopathic Silver sinus and within 24 hours neck pain and sinus symptoms subside together.  :)  Good stuff.
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i am truly sorry. i have had allergies since 1988. Been on a variety  on meds, shots, antibiotics, and finally surgery for chronic sinusitis in1994....It helped for about two years, which is about what other people said after having had the same surgery it lasted....my friend I researched natural products from .are  
our health food store and on line and here is what we are still takind..Natures
Way Nettle leaf,  Bi Yan PIAN from International Nature Nutraceuticals In
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i also had sinus surgery in 2008 and my sinuses came back strong again in 2013 with me waking up with thick snot on my throat. currently im suffering from sinuses and also getting neck pain along with shoulder pain accompanied with nausea (dyspepsia). im thinking about getting the ballon sinuplasty surgery hopefully that helps because a body can only take so many antibiotics.
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I also get sinus infections regularly and have the same neck pain described. I asked my sister who also suffers from sinus problems.  She explained she has same neck pain on right side.  Seems more likely it does have something to do with sinuses rather than injury. Odds are not in favor of your hypothesis.
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I had a severe neck pain 9 months ago where I was in agony for a month. I realised afterwards that it was a virus as 7 other people I heard of had it at the same time. Two months afterwards I was struck down by dizziness which radiated from the back of my neck right up into my head behind my nose and eyes. I can still feel a horrible sensation at the back of my neck but it has subsided a lot and I am no longer dizzy. I have resorted to swallowing diced raw garlic washed down with plenty of water at with my main meal, this has helped my immune system immensely. I have been told by GP that this is a virus and someone else said it can last up to 2 years.
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10076454 tn?1407637983
I also get severe neck and shoulder pain with my sinus problems and this has been happening to me my whole life. there has to be a reason and a connection between my sinus problems and my neck and shoulder pain.  
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10076454 tn?1407637983
I also get severe neck and shoulder pain with my sinus problems and this has been happening to me my whole life. there has to be a reason and a connection between my sinus problems and my neck and shoulder pain.  
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