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Need Advice for Evening Hives

Hi guys,

How are you guys doing? ^__^  My problem is hives. I usually get them around 6 - 10 pm. The common location that I get them is legs and arms. I've done some research about this and it explains that hives may be caused by the stress. However, my stress level is usually low these days so I really don't know what happens. Moreover, during the day, I will feel tired and sometimes, sleepy. Is this related to hives? Lastly, if you guys can help recommend me the treatment or provide me with answers / information to my problems, it is highly appreciated ;)

PS : I usually have allergies and I am currently on Rhinicort Aqua (Nasal Spray) and Telfast (180 mg)

Regards and highly appreciated,
Brayden (ITSABRAY)
5 Responses
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I found some good information on this site.. hope it helps u..

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Thank you so much for your information ;) My house and my room don't have the features mentioned in the video. But I still get evening hives and tireness + sleepy during the day. However, thank you once again.

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Are you eating a healthy balanced diet? Do you drink adequate water daily? You need atleast 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day.

You could take some oral antihistamine or antiallergic medications like loratadine or cetrizine and see if it helps with your symptoms. Apply calamine lotion at the site of the lesions to help soothe the itching.

Have you had allergic reactions in the past? Are you allergic to any specific substances?

You need to find some trigger factors for your symptoms - some specific substances you are exposed to when you have the symptoms or any specific foods ec.

You would still need to consult your doctor about the associated symptoms you are having and to rule out a bacterial or fungal infection and whether you need a course of antibiotics or other medications.

Let us know about how you are doing and post us about what your doctor advises.

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Thank God! I think that I finally have the answer. I hope that this helps someone else. My HIVES are HORMONE related. I have long suspected this because my first bout with them (that lasted 1 1/2 yrs) ended immediately when I stopped taking birth control. This last bout (4 months so far) started after my second child was born. So many others on here talked about related symptoms--dark patches on skin, thyroid-like symptoms, pain in chest, fatigue, feeling cold, occasional hair loss, and HIVES so severe that even with taking 13 prescribed anti-histamines and acid reducers a day, my entire body was covered every night until mid-morning. Thinking that it was my diet or bedding, I changed where I slept and went on semi-fasts. I kept a food/drug journal to note trends. I was miserable, and they were starting to control my life. Prayer changes things. Someone on here mentioned hormone cream; I had my thyroid checked with an Endochronologist, talked to my Dermatologist and Gynocologist, but they all said that I was completely healthy, and they did not think that it was hormone related. Then I read Dr. Lee's book "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause" (really more of a general guide to hormone balance). IT HAS WORKED! You really ought to read it, but here is what I have been doing based on the book:

1) Use a Natural Progesterone Cream morning and night
2 )Drink more water
3) Take anti-oxidants such as green tea tabs & 8000-1000mg of Vit C
4) 400 IUs of Vit E twice a day
5) 500 mg Flaxseed oil twice a day
6) Take a Multivitamin
7) Take 500mg of Quercetin with Bromelain twice a day.
8) Take Vitex morning and night
9) Take 1000mg of Magnesium at bedtime
10) eliminated MILK from my diet--my worst episodes were always after I drank a glass of it or ate ice cream; I can still have cheese, yogurt, and sour cream. Dr. Lee explains in his book that an inflamed and aggravated system will allergically react to milk.

It took a few weeks, but my hives are practically gone. I only take one chlorotab and one Loratidine at night to keep the lingering ones at bay.

Another tip: You can get Natural Progesterone Cream at most health food stores.The cheapest that I have found is the 4oz Lifeflo brand at $20.00 on the Swanson's website (they also have Vitex for $2.99 a bottle).Get the type of Progesterone Cream in a pump as the type in a jar deteriorates in the presence of oxygen. Use the cream (not oral tabs) that contains around 500mg per ounce. Good Luck to everyone. I have felt so sorry for so many of you because I also suffered so greatly. Don't let anyone tell you that there is not an answer or to wait it out. What I am doing may not help you, but there is an answer. God Bless.
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How are you doing now?

Have you seen a doctor for your symptoms?

Keep us posted and let us know if you have any doubts.

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