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chronic sinus problems

For the past year it seems that my sinus infections are becoming more and more frequent.  Headache, ear pain, dizzyness, facial pressure, jaw pain and when they are really bad i can't even get out of bed and go to work because i am so exhausted and ill feeling all i want to do is sleep the day away.  I have been missing a lot of work and am usually off for two days when i get sick.  This is happening at least one to two times a month.  I am going to see an ENT, hope he can help.  My mother's side of the family they have super bad allergies, runny nose, runny and baggie eyes.  my dad was just told by the family dr that he has a rare sinus infection.  My nose just has pressure, i can breath and my nose does not run... i feel the pressure at the back of my nose, around my eyes, goes into my ear, ect.  I changed jobs six years ago and work in a fairly new building that was built on a swamp about 8 years ago.  At least one girl in my department has the same exact problem i have and she is always sick... with sinus... as well as many coworkers complaining of feeling ill a lot.  Many have said it is the building. and because of all of the sickness the building was actually checked and was found to be "fine."  I sit directly over the "fresh air" duct and they cobbed it so it isn't blowing on me too much... well at least they think so... and i have only been sitting there for a year... was sitting in another cubicle and was still sick, but not as constant as now.  i can't afford to be sick feeling all the time. I feel like when i do get this sick that this must be what it feels like to be sick with cancer or dying... no joke... i just feel that sick when they hit me hard... if there are vitamins i should try... i will not do the nasal irrigation as i have done this before and the water does not drizzle out, i believe it stays up in my sinuses and festers into  worse infection... LOL. anyway that doesn't work for me.  i have no energy, I want to work out but this problem wears me out.  i feel good for a week or week and a half then it starts all over.  i have taken zytec.. now i am taking allegra.. nothing is helping.. someone gets a cold in my office and i end up with a sinus infection.  i wish my nose would run, it would feel better... i take sudafed, and benadryl... i have tried a lot of things... but nothing is working and i am really, really tired of this. i don't even like to go to the grocery store or go shopping because it seems i pick up something and i use the wipes they have to clean off the cart.... other than this problem i have hypothyroidism, i take crestor for cholesteral, and generally would be in good health.  ANY SUGGESTIONS, IDEAS.... thank you for listening... i have had ct scans, bloodwork, mri, etc.  one time i had pseudo tumor cerebri (2000) and that was believed to be sinus as well... but i am okay now.... as far as that goes that is...
3 Responses
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I have same or similar sinus problems as you describe.
appreciate if we can communicate direct. My mail is ***@****
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563773 tn?1374246539
It can be due to chronic sinutsitis.  Chronic sinusitis can cause difficulty breathing through the nose, pressure-pain in the nose, thick nasal discharge, reduced sense of smell, aching in the upper jaw or teeth, bad breath, post-nasal drip, and persistent coughing.

It can also be due to any allergy to mold if they are there in the building. Chronic sinusitis can be caused by infections of the upper respiratory tract,allergies and deviated nasal septum .Other suspected causes include mold or fungi in the sinuses. I feel that you need to get an evaluation from an ENT surgeon and get a course of antibiotics and sinus drainage. You may also require sinus surgery.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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There are herbs that you can use, please message me so I know you are still visiting the site and I will go over herbal methods with you for the problem.
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