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i have really bad allergies to cat, dust, mytes,  indoor allergies......  so my question is.. do i have to build up the allegra into my system for it to really work... i just found out i have had them for eight years.. so im sure my immune system is messed up since i never treated it.. i didnt know what i had....
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ALSO HOW helpful are humidifiers?? im so new to all of this
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563773 tn?1374246539

It seems that you have hay fever or allergies to air borne allergens. Remain indoors when the outdoor pollen and dust levels are highest like windy days. You can also use dust mask. Use a clothes dryer instead of hanging the wash outside, where it acts as a filter trap forair borne allergans. Make sure to clean and replace your air conditioner and air cleaner filters regularly. Also effective are various types of air-filtering devices, which can be added to the heating and cooling systems in the home.If you are allergic t cats,then pls avoid keeping them as pets.

You can take OTC anthistaminics like benadryl or zyrtec.You can also use some nasal decongestants but use them for a few days only because frequent or prolonged use can lead to a "rebound phenomenon", in which the initial effect of shrinking the nasal passages is followed by increased swelling and congestion. Corticosteroids and bronchodilators can also be used. You can also use saline nasal sprays or steam inhalation at home.

Another effective agent that is available by prescription is cromolyn sodium. In severe cases, Immunotherapy is advised.

Hope I have provided you with sufficient information. In case you need any more then pls post us.

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