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PLEASE HELP!!!!! Does my child have milk allergies?

My daughter is 6 years old and has had a runny nose forever!!!!!
She has seen an allergist and has been taking several allergy meds for 2 years, Nothing seems to help. Yesterday I started reading about cow milk allergies, WOW I am in shock. I am so confused,I thoght milk was good for my kids. does anybody have any input on this matter?
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The runny nose could be due to allergic rhinitis. Nothing can be said with surety without a clinical examination.

Do you notice any specific symptoms after she takes milk products? If not, then the chances are that she is not allergic to milk.

You should follow up with the pediatrician regularly about her nasal symptoms.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how she is doing.

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I hate to say this, but she could be allergic to anything. You may want to consider asking your allergist to test her for food allergies. He/she can do a simple blood test or eliminate certain food products from your child's diet for a couple of weeks and see if her allergies have cleared up as a result.

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