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Please help!!! I keep having severe allergic reactions

HI,   My name is yvette I am 36 yrs old and I have 5 children.  My condition started around March of 2009 and it has gotten worse since then.
My symptoms are ,itchy hands and feet, itchy eyes, mouth and tongue.  The back of my throat starts to itch alot to. I get very hot and my stomach starts to feel hot and I get really bad heartburn and It is very hard for me to swallow my food.   Then I break out in hives that cover my entire body and my lips, ears, hands, feet and forehead get very swollen.  A few a months ago it got so bad, my whole body was completely covered in hives and I was  swollen from head to toe.  I started feeling weak and it was hard to breath, my pulse was very weak and I felt very cold  It felt like I was dieing so I ended up passing out.   My husband called 911 and they gave me a shot and took me to the hospital.  They said I was going into Anaphylactic shock.   They did so many tests but could not come up with a definite answer just that I had to be allergic to something I was eating or using.   It's very scary cause I do not know what is causing it.    Lately it has been happening on a daily basis and I am always itchy.  I was told that it could be a food allergy.  I have tried to cut out alot of foods and products that might be causing the problem but that hasn't helped.  I used to weigh 130 but I have gone down to 100 lbs because I cannot eat alot of the foods that I used to eat.  I am always weak and tired.  
I am really worried about this.  I have been healthy all my life so this new to me.  If anyone has any info  or if you have heard of this condition please let me know.  Thanks  
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Thanks, this is the best news I've heard in months lol  I have been trying to figure out what could be causing my hives so I have cut out all dairy products out of my diet I am down to just eating soup everyday but I still get the hives and my stomach feels like a volcano ready to erupt on a daily basis.  It hurts really bad when I swallow my food.  I thought there had to be a connection with the hives and the stomach symptoms but the doctors just looked at me like if  I was crazy when I mentioned it to them.  I am going to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist this week.  Thanks again ☺
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the forum!
You appear to be having severe acidity (stomach going hot). This is often associated with bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori or H pylori. You will be surprised to know this bacteria responsible for GERD, heart burn, acid reflux etc can cause hives. Antibiotics given to clear up the bacteria also take care of the hives. An allergy to H pylori does not come up on allergy tests. I would strongly recommend you to see a gastroenterologist (a specialist who looks after the diseases of our digestive system).  
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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535822 tn?1443976780
Me too I dont think its food I have tired all allergenic subsatnces , it does get a bit better, my rash is raised bumps, break out round the neck and top of arms google Chronic Urticaria , my rash itches and burns.. I did wonder if it was enviromental, then I am researching Lyme disease as I was bitten by a tick a long time ago, none of the anti histimines help and I have had a bad stomach from taking all they prescribe ..Have you beem in the Ocean at all I here thare is Bacteria in the Oceans ,I have in the Pacific offf  LA
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