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Idiopathic Urticaria, Allergic to Antihistimines, pain relief and now pregnant

Bit of a long story I'm Afraid.
Since having my little girl 2years ago I have become allergic to many things .... Ibroprofen, cocodamol, penicillin, tramadol, certirizine, fexofenodine, rinitadine, buscopan and an array of other things that I struggle to remember.I also had to have my gallbladder removed last year and had an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic. Well, my immunologist isn't convinced that I'm allergic to any of the above, she thinks it may be due to stress, hormones and a mountain of other things..... but it could on the other hand be allergies as i experience reactions after each product. Reactions varied from urtacaria to swelling.

I am now nearly 3months pregnant, and I am being handed over to the local anaethetist, but have to wait a few months to see them. I am quite worried as I had a caesarean with my first after a long labour and may end up with one again but worried about the aneasthetic, or if i dont have a caesarean, not sure i will have much option for pain relief.

Is anyone else in the same position or can help in anyway as I am quite worried now and stressing out completely =(

Ps I can take piriton to manage urtacaria, but doesnt have much affect, and may make baby sleepy in later pregnancy.
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Thank you very much for your reply.

I have since had a telephone call with the head anaestatist who has said that he feels that a shot of steroids and a shot of piriton should be sufficiant before i have my C-section.

I still have doubts, as he kindof has dismissed the problem like the anaestatist when i had my gallbladder surgery, and i had a reaction.

So im just going to have to wait to see my consultant for the c-section in March and talk to her about my concerns, hopefully i will get peace of mind then.

Thanks again for your reply

Kind Regards

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How are you? I understand your concern regarding the anesthesia allergy especially with your history. Indeed, the management of pregnant patients with strong history of allergy to  anesthetics poses significant challenges to the obstetric anesthesiologist. Pubmed has list of such cases also that you can browse. However, at this point, try not to stress too much for the baby. Your medical history is usually reviewed by your anesthesiologist prior to making a plan for your delivery anesthesia. You may also benefit if you check with your immunologist for further management. Take care and do keep us posted.  Warm regards.
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