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Possible alcohol alcohol allergy...

Occasionally when i drink alcohol, my face gets very hott and i develop splotches on and around my eyes...but its not quite that simple..im only 22 and i drank socially for about a year with never an incident, then the first time it happened i was in a mexican restaraunt and had like 2 glasses of long island iced tea while also eating a quesadlla, now its possible i had the reaction and didnt realize it after the first glass because i wasnt expecting it...anyways..at the time i assumed i was allergic to one of the 7? liquors in long island so i just never drank long island again and figured i was fine even that night i continued drinkining after that and i was fine i drank quite a bit that night...well not long after i had the same reaction this time to a crown and coke..which i had drank before....ok then i was scared..so i didnt drink for about 2 months then i had an irish car bomnb one night and i had the reaction...then after that fast forward about 6 months of 0 alcoholic beverage...and i got the bright idea to drink some wine and just see if i reacted to it...well i drank about half a bottle...and i Didnt react..but like 2 night after that i went to finish the bottle and Did react....now up until today i have drank 1 time since the wine incident and i took a benadryl before i drank and i didnt break out but i havent tried that enough times to know if the benadryl actually helped? what i dont understand is if i was allergic wouldnt i react Every time not intermittently?
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1343146 tn?1279330643
lol poor thing.  try to avoid the alcohol.  it is possible to be allergic to alcohol, it is also possible to develop allergies over a period of time to certain things you were not allergic to before.  You should see a doctor to be tested for this but until then, I would avoid the alcohol.  take care
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Hi there. I have seen your post on your alcohol allergy, I have the same thing and I am 21. It also did not effect me at first. Doctors actually dont know the cause of it because our bodies also create small amounts of alcohol...The symtoms I have is flushing in the face, a warm feeling(almost burning) , increased heartrate and abdominal discomfort. I dont know if it is a reaction to sugar (alcohol is a type of sugar)(diabetics) or of an allergy to fungi(antibiotics)(this one I have). But I have through trial and error discoverd what works and what not. I ussauly drink a mild antihestamine/allery pill half an hour before I go out, also different brands have different effects, I have noticed red wine have the effect almost all the time. I thus stay away from any coloured drinks and choose lightly coloured alcohol, at first I will drink white rum with sparkling apple or grape juice(no sugar) and later opt for anything else. I suggest that if you become nausious or very lightheaded due to the allergic reaction that you see a doctor, my case is only mild.
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