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Possible mild reaction to penicillin vk

Some background info: I have a throat infection for which I was prescribed penicillin VK. I started taking it on Saturday and today I noticed 2 hives, 1 on my hand just next to my one of my knuckles, the other on bicep. I also felt a moment of dizyness for a split second today at work when leading down to pick something up.

Is this something I should be worried about? I am over halfway through my medication course so I was thinking I  may as well finish it and if it gets worse, then go see the doctor.

The thing is I have taken amoxycillin before and did not have any allergic reaction so in theory I shouldn't be allergic to penecillin right?

Just wanted to get your opinions on if this a normal reaction or something I should be worried about.

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It is possible that your symptoms are not due to the penicillen, but you would be wise to discus this with your doctor or pharmacist.  Allergies can escalate.  You really need to discus this with your doctor ASAP.

Allergies "develop" with repeated exposure. So not having a reaction to something before is really meaningless.  An allergy can develop at any time.

Take care and God bless.
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I went to the pharmacist and she said it's not sever so could have been down to anything. It's not got any worse since either. One other thing I forgot to mention is the day I stated taking it I also had multiple jabs for an upcoming trip to asia. Hep A, polio and a bunch of others.
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