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Post Nasal Drip,Allergies,Asthma

My name is Cloe, 48 years old and have lived in Florida since 1991. Every year ( for about 8 years) when the air gets dry & cold... Dec through Feb.I have bad allergies, sneezing, itchy eyes,SEVERE post nasal drip and asthma...( I have allergies all year but this is ridiculous) I went to my doctor who stated because I am a runner and biker these symptoms get worse with the change in the air and the effect it has on my lungs...She recommended Sudafed PE....does not work as well as Tylenol Severe Allergy..I have tried everything over the years...I even was trying two 24 hour Zyrtecs a day because one did nothing and two made me wonder how I could still function, but still sneezing  LOL   ..now from all the coughing the right side of my throat aches when I swallow....PLEASE HELP!!!
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I think it is time to call on an allergist for help.  Testing and shots seem to be in order now.  They may also add some nasal sprays like a nasal steroid or antihistamine or both.  Also, a prescription oral antihistamine may work better than an OTC.  

Some things you can try that do not require a prescription:
1) Sinus rinses - I love the NeilMed bottle.  Wash the crud out before you can react to the pollen. and junk.
2)  Shower immediately after coming in from a run or ride, or working outside.  In general, shower before going to bed so that you don't sleep with all the pollen that collected in your hair through the day.
3) Wash bedding in HOT water weekly.
4) NasalCrom is a nasal spray that helps with allergic reactions.  It is quite affective, only it has to be used every 4 hours.
5) Keep windows and door closed as much as possible.
6) Use a HEPA filtration system if your HVAC system does not have a filter in it.

Pick and chose what works for you, but 1 and 2 are the most effective for me.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of sinusitis. The causes of these are bacterial infection like streptococcal, staphylococcal, Tuberculosis, Bronchiectasis and Fungal infections. This can be associated with postnasal drip and throat clearing. This can in turn irritate the throat lining.

Now you are suffering from probable acute pharyngitis. Streptococcal infection is commonest. This needs to treat promptly so as to prevent complications like ear infection or bacterial endocarditis. Send blood or throat swab for culture and antibiotic sensitivity.

Need to do antiseptic mouth gargle to take care of source of infection. Need to take NSAIDs if fever present and reduce pain. I suggest you to consult a physician for evaluation and prescription of above said drugs. Take care and regards.

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