633143 tn?1262133535

Postnasal Drip - Desperate for Relief

For the past four years I have been suffering with near constant post nasal drip.  At first it was seasonal, at its very worst this time of year (end of summer into fall), and it was semi-bearable.  But now it is constant, pretty much all year round, and it’s like a faucet is constantly turned on.  I can’t sleep, I always feel like gagging, and my stomach is always upset.  I’ve lost 13lbs in the past few weeks just from not feeling like eating.  I have taken everything that my doctors have recommended and everything that they haven’t – Mucinex, Sudafed, Benadryl, Claritin, Tylenol Sinus, etc, etc.  Antihistamines help a little but only for a few hours, and because of my job I can’t afford to be tired or loopy during the day.  Mucinex has been working the best (taking it every night before bed), but it’s not taking it away.  I’m still waking up with the draining and feeling very sick to my stomach.  My next step is to go back to the doctor, but they just keep telling me to keep up with the Mucinex.  I’m not getting any help from them.  Any suggestions?  I’m thinking maybe an allergist.  Advice would be greatly appreciated.
2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

All these symptoms are leading to the possibility  of chronic post nasal drip. Post-nasal drip is mucus accumulation in the back of the nose and throat leading to, or giving the sensation of, mucus dripping downward from the back of the nose. Post-nasal drip can be caused by excessive or thick secretions, or impairment in the normal clearance of mucus from the nose and throat.

Various causes for chronic post nasal drip are allergies,viral infections,deviated nasal septum,chronic sinusitis,adenoid enlargement and diseases like sarcoidosis and GERD.

Till the cause is treated,post nasal drip cannot be treated.So I think that an allergist’s and a simultaneous ENT surgeon’s opinion will be the best in confirming a diagnosis.Till that time,tke plenty of fluids throughout the day and inhale steam as many times as possible. . Inhaling steam from a bowl of hot (but not boiling water) may help to soften, and loosen, the build up of mucus in your nose. You may also find that adding some menthol crystals, or eucalyptus oil, to the water, helps to ease your symptoms of catarrh.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.
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633143 tn?1262133535
Thank you for your advice.  I am definitely going to look into specialists in the area.

Yesterday was by far the worst it has ever been for me.  The drainage was constant.  I could barely talk without gagging, and my stomach was just in knots.  I went to a doctor and they put me on Allegra and Nasonex to try to take the edge off until I can get another opinion.  Today has been a little better so far.  I did the Allegra, the Nasonex, and a steam thing in the shower.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thank you again.
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