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I have really bad allergies/sinus, and tried allergies meds, and have done some research.  

Pseudoephedrine gives me bad heart palpitations and extreme anxiety, leads to chest pains.  I've tried taking Zyrtec, with Psuedo and the side effects made me feel so bad, I stopped taking the med.

I've asked the allergiest to change my medication, he gave me Allergra, same thing bad side effects, mostly bad heart racing/anxiety, that last the entire time I was taking the med, once I stopped a few days later, side effects go away.    

Is there any allergy medication, that doesn't contain Pseudo or similar ingredient, I can take to help with allergies ??  Thanks for help.      
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I can't do psudeoephedrine either.  Racy heart, shakes, difficulty catching breath, truly nasty after taste...  It's my understanding that psuedoephedrine is a decongestant.  

Personally, I find it easier to cope with allergies/congestion if I *don't* take the combinded meds (such as most OTC cold, and Allegra).  For antihistiamines, diphenhidramine is great, but tends to make people very sleepy (it's a common ingredient in sleep aids).  Loratine is a good 24 hr, non-drowsy antihistiamine.

For decongestants, I haven't had a problem with phenylephrine, except that it never last long.  Last time I was at a doctor, he recommended the nasal spray decongestants with oxymetazoline as the active ingredient, as an alternative to psuedoephedrine.  Works wonders!

BTW, I'd give your allergist a stern talking to if he persists in prescribing you meds containt pseudoephedrine (allegra-d has this in it's formula, according to the manufacturer).

Good luck.
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I take "tyelenol Cold" (it does not have epehedrine in it) and my regular "reactine" antihistamine.  

antihistamines don't work well alone on sinus issues, but taking the cold medicine with it works 100% for me.

I took a regular decongestant at my bf's house last weekend and was up all night with heart palpitations and leg cramps... i can't take anything with ephedra, i knew instantly it had ephedra in it..
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179332 tn?1273247359
I took Aleve C&Sinus forever and Psuedo stuff too... I finally have the combo that keeps my ears from plugging up - my head from pounding and heart from racing!  It's generic FloNase nasal spray in the morning and Zyrtec at 2pm...it's kept me stuffy head free with no heart palps...
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