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Question About Sinus Problems And Allergies?

for 5 months now ive had sinus problem what we thought was infection..so i finally went for a cat scan after courses of antibiotics didnt help..it revealed several polyps through out my sinuses,pus in my left cheek sinus,and airpocket in another sinus,deviated septum and my turbinates are 4x larger then they should be .im on xyzyal which is like zyrtec,veramyst,singular and i take claritin every day...i have a dust allergy and i know thats what caused all my problems so my question is with all these problems could these things make my allergies even worse then normal like does it make me more sensitive causing sneezing and stuff like does the deviated septum and the enlarged turbinates just make things worse i know it sounds confusing and obvious what im asking but maybe someone wil lget what im saying
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Then hopefully you should get symptomatic relief and feel better after the surgery. But you still migt need to continue the medications for some time.

You should still continue with the steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and antihistamine medications.

Talk to your surgeon about the procedure and clear out any doubts that you might have.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how you are doing.

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ok i forgot to mention a few things..first off the veramyst is a nasal steroid..i was on several courses of antibioitcs didnt help at all...the big thing i forgot to mention is im having the surgery on the 9th to correct the septum to reduce my turbinates and sinus surgery to drain everything out
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Chronic sinusitis and rhinitis are known to precipitate and worsen the symptoms of dust allergies.

Especialliy symptoms like sneezing, stuffy or blocked nose, post nasal drip etc.

You should consult an allergy specialist about whether steroid nasal sprays would help in your case.

Have you tried steam inhalation, saline nasal drops - have they helped?

Also, talk to an ENT specialist about the degree of deviation of the nasal septum and if surgery would be required. You would also need to take a course of long term antibiotics.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how you are doing.

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