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Random swelling

hi, i've read a few of the post's, and that's all I had to read to see that most of you are suffering from the same thing I am. when I swell up I get very angry, not at family, friends, or myself etc., but at the pain, what makes it worst is when people don't understand you or believe you and you don't want to get mad at them so you hold it in. I first swelled up randomly if I remember at age 17. My hands were swollen as well as my ankles and the bottom of my feet. The swollen areas had a painful itch and it hurt to walk or put pressure, this happened twice that year all my mom could tell me is to put some benadryl cream on(felt fresher, but did not cure), I had no insurance or medical I didn't want to owe money to the E.R.. Call me stupid if you want but please don't blame my mom at all. I had already gone to the hospital many times before that for swollen tonsils. I'm wondering how many of you have had swollen tonsils and never had them removed? How many have? The docs never offered to remove them so I thought they didn't have to. They gave me prescriptions thats it, don't remember what they where though. I still get my tonsils swollen every once in a while and I think theres a link between my foot swellings and tonsils. I've thought about it, and I think the next time they swell up again I want surgery done to remove them. My sister had her tonsils removed as a child, and on the first and only time they were swollen. I am 20 yrs old now,  7-8 months ago I was playing basket ball and I jammed my right middle finger against the ball. It hurt, but I thought nothing of it as it's happened many time's in the past like a sprang. It swell up bad overnight til it was purple, it went away. A few weeks later the foot, ankle, and hand  swellings happened again for a couple day's and repeatedly off and on every other 3 weeks or so with an addition of what I now think where hives, red patch rashes on random places like my biceps, waistline, and top of feet. Recently I have not been as bad, but like a week ago I woke up to a right side swollen jaw, it did not hurt but it was bothersome, it went away that same day. Two days later I woke up to a swollen top lip, it did not hurt, but it bothered me more than the jaw. I do not know what I am going through, but I'm asking badly for some info. and help. I don't think there allergies. So if you think you can help or just have an opinion please let me know. Thank You.
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I don't know if this will help, but my boyfriend started suffering from random swellings a couple of years ago.

The first was his tonsils, but he's since had swellings on his lips, tongue, face, back, arms, hands, stomach, legs, knees, feet... sometimes it'll start in one place and move to the other, eg. left side of face to right side.

He's been to allergy specialists and had blood tests, but they can't find a cause, and the only trigger they found was stress.  He takes antihistamines daily, but his body seems to become used to them after a while - they keep the swellings at bay at first, but then they start coming back more and more frequently again.  He takes extra antihistamines with each swelling which usually helps a bit, and they usually go down in around 24 - 48 hours.

The swellings usually itch, and the area is warm/hot to the touch, and can occasionally be painful - he had one in his knee last night which was agonising.

Unfortunately, we haven't found any solution for it yet, but he has to carry an epipen with him in case his throat swells up and he can't breathe.  It would probably be worth seeing a doctor just to make sure you can have an epipen.
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I don't know if this will help but I have also suffered from swelling up at random times at random places. Sometimes the area will itch uncontrollably, other times it is extremely painful. I recently went to a Dermatologist for a rash on my thigh that has been coming and going away for 2 yrs now. He suspects it could be Lupus and has done some testing and I am waiting on the results. Lupus affects everybody differently and there is not a whole lot known of the causes. Don' know if this will help but it is worth asking about.
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