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Rash from Amoxicillin

I recently went to the doctor to find out that I had mono and strep throat. The doctor had given me amoxicillin which is the reason I had to change doctors. Not only did the amoxicillin make my throat close up to the point where I could barely breath, I broke out in "the rash from hell" from head to toe. I am currently on steroids and benadryl but both seem to not be doing anything because my rash gets worse every day. I have tried all sorts of anti-itch creams and none of them work either. I have been told it's because it was a drug induced rash and therefore no cream will help anyways. I would much rather still have strep throat than to have to live with this most itchy rash I have ever encountered. If there is anyone that knows how I can get rid of this horrible rash, please let me know!
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My 12 year old has been taking Amox for a week for a sinus infection, had t once this evening and now has rashes and itching all over.  He came home from a field trip and was red in his face when we picked him up at school, which was before he had taked the antibotic today.  Now he is red in hands and feet.  Is this related to the AMOX perhaps since it hasn't been taken correctly...parents fault I guess???  Could be a change in laundry detergent?
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I used to be alleric to amoxicillin and everything in the cillin family plus all the other antibiotics. I wasw once hospitalized for the doctors assistant who accidently forgot to look at my chart and gave me amoxicillin on accident. I had rashes all over my body and I swelled up like a balloon.
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Although Benadryl can be very affective it will cause you to sleep all day if you take it ever four hours.
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I should die down in a couple of weeks.  When I developed a penicillin allergy, I had the same thing.  I took Benadryl around the clock for weeks until it went away.  Very important to take the Benadryl religiously every 4 hours, day and night if you want the best symptomatic relief.  It will eventually get better.

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