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Red, teary, itchy, swelling eyes and losing eyebrows

My son who is 16 years old has a sever case of red, itchy and swelling eyes. He is also losing eyebrows too. He's been suffering from eczema since he was a baby.  Doctor prescribed medications for his eczema and ointment and has taking some antibiotics and some other medications orally but it seems nothing is working.  His eyes and that general area is all swollen and has red rashes all over his forehead.  Of course they ithcy like heck.  We did blood test too just in case but nothing came up.  He is as healthy as a normal teen age boy can be.  He eats well, gets proper exercises and everything is normal.  I need help, any help would be grateful.  He lost half to almost of his eyebrows.  They are growing but not fast enough. I will take any suggestions.  Good home remedy or medicine???
Please help! Thank you.
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What kind of doctor has been treating his eczema?  Dermatologist can treat the symptoms but not always the cause.  I would recommend that he see an allergist that specializes in eczema.  Eczema frequently has an allergic cause.  Treat the underlying allergy and the eczema clears up.  I know some people who have had success with Allergra and Zyrtec.

My daughter only has eczema in the winter when she is not out side as much.  This may also be related to a low vitamin D level.  Has anyone checked his vitamin D level?  I have a friend whose aunt with very severe eczema baught a tanning bed to treat her eczema.  

I hope that helps you some.

Take care and God bless.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of allergic conjunctivitis. This happens as soon one is exposed to allergen.

He needs to get evaluated clinically as well as certain tests will be help to determine the cause, they are
- Conjunctival scrapings - may be evaluated for the presence of eosinophils.
- Tear film levels of IgE
- Mast cell activity can be measured by immunoassay testing of tears

Usual management consists of  
- Basic eye care - he should not rub his eyes.
- Treatment of dry eyes- use of artificial tears throughout the day will dilute the allergen.
- Allergen avoidance- he needs to identify the allergen and needs to avoid further exposure. Keep a diary of all the things he is exposed to rule out the allergens.        
-  Allergy evaluation - He needs to consult allergy specialist for evaluation of the allergen by skin testing.
- As for the skin manifestations are concerned Glucocorticoids and Topical calcineurin inhibitors with anti-histaminic against prescription may help to alleviate these symptoms.

I suggest you to consult a dermatologist. Take care and regards.
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