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Help me choose a suitable Air purifier

look for air purifier for my grandmum who going to come out from ICU soon. she also suffer from breathing due to lung cancer .
I found 3 brands
1) honeywell
2) Osim
3) IQair

by reading this:

found that TRUE HEPA is the one i looking for.
In the market, alot model selling Plasma Cluster type.
Some how this website said will harmful to human too

i guess "TURE HEPA " is a good filiter. I hope so. AS hospital (ICU ) also using it.
but the website sound like promote honeywell model only.

by compare honeywell VS osim Air purifier,

lets take a quick SPec of OSIM,
OSIM come with :
- True HEPA
- UV filter ( i like most)
- Negative-ion Purification
- other fine filter
-High Absorbent Deodouriser ( i think is carbon too )

Honeywell -
- True HEPA
- Carbon

hmmmm, i think honeywell got better True HEPA because of larger circumference. But don't have other filter eg: UV, neg ion etc etc.

I also found a product call IQair
Their product so call more fine HEPA. Instead of 0.3 micron, there are using 0.003 micron. Some model for hospital and some model as good as cleanroom enviroment. But is it real??? But there didn't come with UV or other technology to kill virus. Does HEPA itself help??

So compare IQair vs Honeywell, conlcusion is IQair
but compare with IQair vs Osim with normal HEPA , but come with other feature to kill gems and baterica, which to buy?

2 Responses
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179332 tn?1273247359
I love my Honeywell Purifier (HEPA) we run it all night in the master bedroom...
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I know about air filters, and I can tell exactly what would be your best bet for your grandma. What you want is a whole house filter that goes on your furnace. Not a normal filter though, what you're looking for is an Electrobreeze Polarized Media Filter, which works entirely different from normal filters.

But if you would still like the HEPA filters, I would still tell you that it is a good filter, and will work well for your grandma, it's just a little more expensive. Both of these kinds of filters can be found at airlifeone. This site will give you very good information on the different filters, including the HEPA. Plus, I've found that they have much better prices than the other sites online.

Good luck, and I hope that I've helped you out.
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