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Red hives and shortness of breath

For the last 3 years, whenever I eat red meat or pork of any kind, doesn't matter whether it's organic or not, I break out with hives beginning on the inner thigh area and spreading to stomach and arms. I feel I can't breath.  I know when I'm going to have an attack, because my hands will get red and itchy. I will take Benedryl and the symptoms will go away within an hour or 2, depending on the severity.  What brought this on?
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127512 tn?1193742216
Wow. Meat Hugh? Interesting. Alot of people may beneift from that info. I never considered being allergic to meat only Shrimp, veggies, perfumes, outside stuff, material things.Did a ***** test show this? Do you think it is addditive or perservitive? I think sometimes they use red food coloring in meats to give them a pretty red look. I can't answer your questions. Sorry. Maybe someone here can help.
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I've tried organic raised thinking it was the preservatives or harmones that farmers inject, but I still break out.  I haven't been tested, but planning to do that.  Thanks any way.
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First time post for me. All of you who are having hives and shortness of breath, PLEASE GO TO THE E.R. I had hives my whole life, a few here and there. I never knew I good DIE. I broke out and my husband went to the store to get benadyrl. Thank God, my daughter was home. I just passed out and stopped breathing. I never had the feeling that I couldn't breath. My husband got home and started mouth to mouth, while my daughter was calling 911. My blood pressure was so low, it was unbeliveable. My point is, after many visits to the allergist, and testing, I am never without my epi pin. Every reaction you have after the first one is worse. Benadryl does not always continue to work. I have met people at the Dr. office who used their benadryl and still stopped breathing. Please take this serious.
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I also started having allergic reactions to beef and pork.  The reactions didn't start until I was in my early 20's.  I went to an allergy doctor and they did the normal scratch tests and surprise surprise I am reactive to dust, mold, dander, etc....  After going on the bland diet and adding things back in, I determined that it was beef and pork that I reacted to.  The reactions were like described by another poster (started in my inner thigh, worked across body) with the added bonus of having a feeling like my stomach was tightening around and grinding on a sack of marbles (lovely really).  This reaction usually happened 4-6 hours after ingesting beef/pork and I could feel the onset of symptoms after a couple of hours.  My whole GI tract would be irritated as well (waste excretion of any sort hurt). Needless to say, when they did the scratch test for cows nothing happened.  The allergist thought I was silly when I suggested it was some sort of digestive allergy brought on only by the digestion/absorption of these foods (hence the delay in reaction because my intestines don't start/accumulate food immediately after eating).

I cut beef and pork out of my diet and haven't had any problems except for venison.  It turns out that it isn't any sort of additive in the meat (as would be indicated by a previous poster's reaction to organic red meat) as this was unprocessed deer roast from my girlfriend's dad (i.e., no beef fat added).

Benadryl is my weapon of choice also, but I try to avoid needing it.
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Hi all, both my children aged 8 and 10 have this allergy. It coincided with being bitten my ticks in the suburban bush lands of Sydney. My 10 yo's first reaction was when she was three and has become progressively worse since. She is now anaphylactic to all red meat and pork. She had scratch testing which was different each time. The only truly accurate testing for us have been via GI and Allergy specialists' blood tests. I highly recommend if you carry an Epipen to also carry steroid tablets as an Epipen only buys you 15 mins of time before it wears off. If you are Hospitalised they will give you Adrenalin, Steroids, Oxygen and hydration fluids.

We are currently doing sub lingual immunising drops which, combined with avoidance, make a difference to the IGG/IGA blood readings. It is a slow and scary path. Good luck to all, you are certainly not alone!!!
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