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Ringing in ear

I have had ringing in my right ear for about 3 months. I have no idea why. There is a little pain if I move my ear around (the left ear there is none and no ringing)

It seems to be worse after eating certain things. Can food make my ears ring louder?
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Autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Celiac Disease and many others can cause tinnitus.
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for the last three weeks ive been having ringing in my ears the doctor told me it was acute Otitis media i was put on cipro for two weeks and followed the script all the way through it did nothing for my ears. I also dont know if my ringing in my ears are do to anxiety but every sound that i hear has a tin can sound to it. If anyone has any answers to this please reply back
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, Tinnitus is a perception of sound in proximity to the head. The possibilities for tinnitus are Vascular disorders including Arterial bruits, Arteriovenous shunts, Paraganglioma, Neurologic disorders Eustachian tube dysfunction, Otosclerosis and Vestibular schwannoma.

There is no relation between the food and ringing sound, may be related to jaw movements. You need to undergo complete ear examination supported by brain CT if needed. I suggest you to consult a Physician and get a detailed evaluation. Take care and regards.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, consulting a ENT specialist would be more appropriate. Take care and regards.
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1890554 tn?1322678048
Hi I also suddenly began having ringing in my left ear and has gotten louder now than before. Suddenly I can hear more ringing in my right then left and I am trying very hard to keep my cool because it is really annoying. I am afraid of getting so desperate that my anxiety level starts to blow out of proportion!!!!
I too have Hashimoto’s, terrible seasonal allergies, Rhinitis, Arnold Chiari, and asthma… my doctor told me it was a condition I had to live with with (TINNITUS) but I refuse to live like this… I will not stop until at least the ringing get a little bit softer… my general doctor told me he would try with a medication that helps with the blood circulation to the head …. I am taking so many meds now, wow I can not imagine one more!….
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