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I dont know why but my whole right side of my face seems stiff. i can barely squint my right eye, my left eye brow is higher then the other, and when i make a kissy face my lips move towards my left side. I don't know what this could be and its freaking me out. Could this be a allergic reaction to something i ate? muscle spaz? what could this be? Please Help!!!! :(
2 Responses
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It's likely from your symptoms that you are suffering from facial nerve palsy. It is the nerve which supplies the muscles of the face.  The nerve can get swollen, inflamed, or compressed, resulting in facial weakness or paralysis. The can cause inadequate closure of the eye, drooping of the mouth and dribbling of saliva.

Treatment depends on the severity. Some cases are mild and do not require treatment as the symptoms usually subside on their own within 2 weeks.  For others, treatment may include medications and other therapeutic options. To find a cure you need to consult your primary care physician for proper assessment.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey AshleyNicolex3.
Welcome to the forum.

Bells Palsy, excessive stress, Lyme disease, serious deficiencies and sinuses are some possibilities.
You should contact your doctor for this.
take care.
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