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Same old sinus/allergy problems

Seems we got locked out of our last forum - is everybody still the same?
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Just reading these posts, and commenting on the other thread about sinus pain and dizziness.. I think I'm going to print out these threads and send them to every allergist I've been to. Mine acts like I'm crazy for being bothered by the dizziness and eye pressure, like it's normal for people with sinus problems and I should get used to it... the other thread i saw had 174 posts, obviously there are many people with this problem. I feel like I'm going to go crazy if I don't get relief! I'd just like my allergist and or Dr. to see it's not just me ( I think mine thinks I'm a hypochondriac or something... maybe because i thought the eye pressure was a tumor, and the dizziness meant i definitely had one..)I think it's crazy to have to go through MRI's and such and pay for all of this to get no where.
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Hey guys.  I think I had the problem with some posts not showing up, too, because I didn't see your recent posts until tonight.  But now they're all showing up, no idea why.

Joseph, yes, my sinus problems started all of a sudden.  I literally woke up from a nap dizzy and nauseous and that's when it all began.

I'm like LMNO in that there's not a lot of nasal drainage, it's mostly the back of my throat.  What's weird is that I had a really bad cold in January and since it's cleared up, my sinuses have been better.  It's like the cold helped more than the three rounds of antibiotics I had.  I do still suspect allergies play a part in this, even though the ENT said he didn't "see" allergies in my CT scan... and no, I have NO idea what that means!  I've had allergies for 20 years, I can't believe the ENT would say I didn't based on an old CT scan.  Guess we'll find out when spring hits.
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I don't remember having any drainage problems back when this all started.  I've always had a drippy nose problem off and on, mostly when I would eat (sounds disgusting, I know) but after all this started it seems like I always  need to keep tissues with me. And when I would have what I thought was sinus I would have drainage down the back of my throat, but never blowing out.  Weird, I know.  It did take about a month for me to see lasting results on Singulair.  At first I'd feel better, then back a couple of days, on and off until the days were getting better and the bad ones were happening less.

I only see this post to Dec., too.  
After so many posts it cuts off, and you have to post a question and then people can see who posted and answer from there.  
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Anyone else having trouble seeing this entire thread?  For me it's cutting off back in December now.  Just checking to see if this will show up.

Would be nice to have a better forum for this... maybe I'll create one.
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Thanks for all the info.  I'm crossing my fingers that this Singulair will have a positive effect on me as well.  So far it's not clear that it's doing anything, but it's only been a few days.

One other thing I'm curious about -- did you have a lot of drainage as a part of your condition?  From what I'm reading about rhinitis (allergic and non-allergic), it seems like it's usually accompanied by a runny nose.  I've had almost no drainage with my condition, so just wondering how similar our situations are.  But mainly, I just hope the Singulair works. :)
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NasalCrom is over the counter, used to be prescription, about $15.00.  It's nasal allergy symptom controller, so you can use it every day continuously, and with other allergy meds.  Yes, I used to live on Afrin - Dr. says take Afrin no more than 3 days -well, I would take it for a month, then have to wean myself off of it.  Always using a very hot water bottle on my face to make the pressure feel better.  I would leave red whelts on my face I'd keep it so hot, but that's the only relief I'd get.  

Yes, this started out of the blue.  I was perfectly fine.  We went for a motorcycle ride, went into a store and was talking to a friend and wham, dizzy, thought I would black out!  And then started the face pressure, total exhaustion, feeling bad, etc.  And then going to the Dr., the tests, ENT, etc.  Which ultimately made my panic disorder worse from all the frustration of feeling bad, thinking I had a brain tumor or lukemia or something.  When I got better my panic disorder got back under control.  I was like that for 5 1/2 months before the Singulair and all the other stuff I do started working.

I'm a 50 yr. old (eeewww) female.  Well, I'm really younger trapped in this old person.  ha!ha!  But seriously, I think there is hope - and the name the ENT gave me was non allergic rhinitis, which he says they don't know that much about.  I read about it in a magazine and there I was.  

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