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Serious hives for a week after extreme workout

I'm in my early 40s and have been dealing with recurring hives since high school. I've finally found what appears to be the cause, but I'm not sure what to do next. When I heavily use muscles that haven't really been exercised in a few weeks or more, I get very sharp pain in those muscles the next day or two. That's when I know the hives are going to come. Unlike most exercise-induced hives I've read about, the hives don't come when I exercise, but a day or two later - always after the sharp muscle pain. The first few times I got them they got so bad I ended up in the emergency room where they gave me epinephrin, etc. and they went away. The strange thing though, is that they came back again and again over the course of a week to a week and a half. Now that I can recognize them coming right away, I usually knock them out right away with a double dose of Benadryl, which I then have to take every 4 hours - tapering the dosage off over the course of the week. They still come back over the week, but they never get out of hand if I keep up with the antihistamine. So I can live with it if I have to, but the Benadryl does make me less productive and I'd really like to figure out how to eliminate them for good. I went to an allergist several years back and he wasn't particularly helpful. So for now, my best solution seems to be to exercise regularly enough to avoid the "new exercise program" pain that always seems to trigger the hives and then to have a good supply of Benadryl ready when they do come. I experience this week-long bout maybe 2-3 times a year now. Any ideas?
35 Responses
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Good luck. I hope you have the same success I've experienced.
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It's crazy I suffer from this exact same thing, I used to be very physically fit because of weight lifting 6 days a week, I quit a few years ago and every time I start back the hives are terrible the day after I workout when my muscles get very sore, I estimate I have gotten hives from muscle soreness about 5-7 times in the past 3 years, I will definitely try the glutamine as well because I started working out again this week and am sitting here right now with a case of hives
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It's been a while since I started the glutamine based on your suggestion. I wanted to go through several tough workouts before reporting on the results. After a few months taking about 10 grams a day (just in the morning, with a bit extra at night after really tough workouts), the hives have stopped. I had several cases where I experienced the sharp muscle pain 1-2 days after the workout - the same pain that previously would guarantee the hives were coming - and no hives. This has been amazing. Thanks so much for posting it. You've had a real impact. It's great now to be able to work out as hard as I want and not have to pay for a week and a half afterward. For the first time in 30 years, I can actually prevent the hives!
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That's awesome news peq! I haven't checked this forum in a while but I'm glad I came back. A few weeks ago I came across someone on another urticaria forum that has claimed to also rid themselves of hives taking glutamine so I'm really glad to see it confirmed here by someone with the specific symptoms that we have. I actually bought a container of the powder a few days ago and have been taking about 10 grams when I wake up on an empty stomach and about 10 grams before bed. I have yet to put this to the test by rigorous weight training but I hope to within the next few days. I will get back to you all and let you know how it goes!
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Hello Stradev, i've just came across this great thread finding those rare mates having hives outbreak 12-36 hrs after intensive workouts; and thank you and others here for starting and continuing this thread (none of my doctors took seriously my suggestion on connection of urticaria with workouts except possibility of reaction to sweating which is clearly not my case).
I'm wondering if you've or anybody esle here tried Glutamine as suggested by pequenaana, and what was the effect, if any? Thanks
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I use Optimum Nutrition Glutamine 1000mg caps, top product! Good luck with it and let us know the outcome!
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