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Severe Allergy Reaction?

I have had allergies for a pretty decent while but none this bad. I work in a kitchen and I get random allergy flares that make my nose bleed. The blood does not drip, its dried blood. Im scared that my nose or something else is damaged, PLEASE HELP :'(
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well ive been taking some over the counter meds and they seem to surppress it fairly decent (for now)
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209987 tn?1451935465
You would have to see an ENT or a doctor to get a correct diagnosis.

I'm thinking that dry weather has a lot to do with it, on top of the allergies.
I get nosebleeds quite often as well, and it's a combination of both.

There are many reasons for a persons nose to bleed...
dry weather
blood pressure issues
weak lining in the nose

and many more... I listed a few of the reasons so that you could see that without seeing a doctor it's quite impossible to tell which of these may be the culprit.
There IS a virus going around right now...it causes nosebleeds.
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