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Severe Stomach Pain and vomiting

My husband has been having issues for going on 3 years now with no answers as of yet. He has bouts and there is not certain thing that he does that causes it to happen. He will wake up with Pain raiting of 8 in his stomach which he will end up vomiting a Yellowish bile, this will releive the pain for a short bit but then it comes back. he is unable to eat or drink anything during the run on this. We have tried hospitals which they will give fluids through IV then give him something for Vomiting then pain meds, after this he will be ok for a few days or sometimes longer. They have done CT scans, Upper lower GI, Emptying study of stomach, Ultra sound of Gallbladder, Camera Capsal ( which did not complete due to it stayed in his stomach for 5 hours), and a few other test.. He describes it as he feels waves of pain that go from an 8 to a 3 then back to 8, he said he can fill the acid buid up almost in his throat, then he can' t hold it.
Meds we have tried (SPELLING IS NOT BEST) Phinagin, Protonix, Vicondin, Ragel, and some others. We did try Clarifit and it seemed to work for about 2 months with not issues but now we are back to square one. We can not longer go to the local hospitas because they think my Husband has an addiction problem but he does not, he hates taking any meds. We just need some advise on which way we need to go now.  He is going on day 5 of being sick...

Thank you for your time.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey Green0804,
Welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear about your husband's issues.

Has he done a Hypoallergenic or elimination diet?
Has he done any tests to detect parasites?
Has he done any tests for gastric acid levels?
Has Hiatus hernia been ruled out?
Please provide more details about his medical history
and lifestyle like food and drink habits, other health issues in the past
age, fitness, past traumatic events, emotional issues etc.
Any gallbladder, liver issues or any G/I  digestive issues prior to all this?
Sorry about all these questions, but it might help put a direction in this investigation.
Take care.
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If I may add one to the list, does he have any implants?  Did he have any surgeries where they may have put in a clip, like gall badder surgery?
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