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Sinus Blockage

I am 19 years old and maybe ever since around middle school, I've always felt like I haven't been able to breath normally. When I was younger, I felt like I was running out of air and would get lightheaded and dizzy. For about the last two years, I've noticed that the right side of my nose is generally blocked from normal air flow all the time, at times, impossible to breath through. I've tried everything; sinus relief pills, allergy medications, perscription allergy meds -- nothing seems to really help my problem. The ability to not breath normally has really affected my life for the worse. At times when I feel I'm not getting enough air, I'll go through a panic attack; my hands start to go numb, I feel like I can't breath and feel like passing out. It's gotten so bad I feel I can't go places publically or travel because I don't want it to happen outside of my home. My question is, is it possible that the only thing suitable for my condition is some kind of nasal airway surgery? If so, what kind? I feel if I felt the right side of my nose working as easily as the left side, the panic attacks would go away. Please respond with any advice you have to offer, I really feel as if I'm not exaggerating my condition because it's been adversely affecting me for so long.
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I would just like to post this to JDMAN, I think what you said was very inspiring to those who suffer with both sinus issues and anxiety. I have had terrible sinus problems for the past 4 months, crazy pressure in my head, and a constant stopped up nose. It has increased my anxiety, plus the meds that I take (antihistamine) only makes that disability worse at times because for some it has an adverse affect. Meds like that cause me to have extreme nervousness and excitability...plus I hate the medicine head feelings. I have an appointment with the ENT Friday, so I am optomistic my issues will be over soon. I just mainly wanted to give you props on your post, it would be very helpful for people suffering and unable to deal with it.
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My 4y/o daughter has this right side swelling in her nose--several sinus inf. too.  Nasonex  seemed to help.  However, she developed a chronic cough for 5 mo. now and they say its asthma--not quite convinced since on these meds she has gottten worse.  Any one have a dry cough with their symptoms?
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Six weeks ago I smoked a joint and had what I thought was a panic attack.  I'm 22 and was supposed to start college in September. Suffice to say I quit smoking weed because it scares the **** out of me now.  But anywho, it wasn't a panic attack, it was my body telling me that there is something very wrong.  I came down with a supposed strep throat and mono infection (don't believe it was strep throat or mono now...tests came back for mono negative but my doc still thought I had it) and was prescribed antibiotics (pondocillin).  Sore throat went away.  I was still left with thinking that I was going crazy or suddenly out of nowhere I had anxiety (don't think anxiety or depression is a sudden overnight thing....happy one day miserable the next??? don't think so!)  My head was really foggy, felt so out of it (like i was barely existing), headaches, muscle aches, weird taste in my mouth, hot flashes (without fever) and  the overall pain was nothing compared to feeling so out of it.  The doctor did all kinds of tests and blood work, they all came back negative.  He thought I was losing it but I didn't want to believe that so I went to a walk in clinic.  The doctor there was nice but I think he thought I had some kind of neurological problem too but he did offer for me to take a CT scan.  Eureka!!  It was my frickin' sinuses (completely clogged)  Finally after another antibiotic (biaxin xl) and still not getting any better my very own doc who now believed me prescribed me avelox and nasonex.  I feel it draining through my ears (trickling noise every time I breath in hard) and my head is becoming clearer everyday.  Hope that this takes it away completely.  I had to quit school for now, even minor sinusitis can be extremely debilitating for some.  I learned some things going through this though.  
1)  rub vicks all over your chest, back and throat before you sleep
2)  sleep as much upright as you can to let them drain
3)  don't know why but sucking on popsicles seems to help
4)  drink lots of 100% fruit juices
5)  drink caffeinated drinks (not like 20 a day or nothing, try 3 a day) the caffeine          helps the headaches because it relieves the swelling of your blood vessels but if you take to much caffeine you can cause yourself withdrawal headaches so be careful
6)  for God's sake don't listen to other websites and people that say to inhale steam and take hot showers!!!  I trusted this and soon learned that after the hot shower is when I felt my worst and realized that it only swells up your sinus cavities and blood vessels causing more pain and discomfort....TAKE lukewarm showers and finish it off with turning the knob to freezing for a quick second before you get out...it works!
7) use a saltwater nasal spray in conjunction with what has been prescribed so you don't cause a dependency on the medicated one (I think the saltwater ones work better anyways, but I'm still taking what my doc prescribed me)
8)  breath deeply up your nose (if you can), hold it for a bit (5 secs or so), and purse your lips and blow out the air slowly....RELAXATION IS KEY!!!!  Your body needs to feel assured that you are taking the right action in order to heal yourself, so REST!  
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Please please can someone help me
In april i kept getting really dry throat etc, Then developed a cold, then post nasal drip constantly!!! I was given 7 days of Co-amoxclav then it still has not gone so i went back to my GP he priscribed another 10 days of 500mg Co-amoxclav, then After symptoms did not diassaper he sent me for sinus x-ray this confirmed Thickend Mucus membranes at which point my DR refered me to a ENT. Saw the ENT three weeks ago who after allery testing confirmed non-allergic rhinitis. He prescribed a nose spray called Nasex. I am still suffering with terrible headaches like a pressure like pain across my forehead, Thick clear mucus, occasionally it's yellow ish. I have resigned from my job as I have been taking too many sick days and im really at my wits end. I have tried many different brand of antihitimines and I have alos tried many herbal remidies including apple cider vinigar and I wash out my sinus daily with baking soda and sea salt. The only temporary relief I get is taking Sudafed.
Forgot to mention that when i saw the ENT I also had a CT scan, The results only showed slight thickening............................ I also get a pain in my neck underneath my ear lobes that feels like my ears are full................occasional face pressure both sides (although never at the same time!) Please plase can anybode help me im getting desperate im not due to see the speciallist until November again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS HEADACHE
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hi i have been suffering from a blocked nose for two years then two months ago i had a sinus operation but now am blocked all the time and i feel like i cant breath from my chest as well but every time the doctor checks my lungs they say there clear it affects the front part of my chest and somtimes i feel like am dying am on nasel drops antihistamines been doing steam inhalasion but nothing works its like i can blow bubbles inside my nose can anyone help me please cant cope with this
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Another thing about your anxiety. You are far too young to go through life with this problem. I have had exactly what you describe and there is help. The main reason for the anxiety is the way we think about things. You will need to get help from an expert on this, but I can tell you that your way of thinking then causes you, without your realizing it, to start taking tiny shallow breaths of air. After a while, breathing like this exhausts your body of carbon dioxide. The dizzines, tingling, tension in the back of your head and neck, chest tightness and feelings of dying are the physical reactions to the lack of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream. You're hyperventilating. Even if you did pass out, your body would start breathing normally on it's own. It won't kill you. To stop it in it's tracks, when this happens, and I know it's hard at first, take a deep breath and hold it to the count of twenty. Exhale slowly while counting to five and repeat. Start this as soon as you feel it coming on. For me, things started looking blurry and the color of things got sort of washed out. Sunshine looked really weird. This is when I knew I was going to have an attack. Lack of sleep will make this problem worse and life problems as well. Know this and when you start to experience stress, pay close attention to your breathing. Which is something you should always do until this phase starts to pass. It does get better. You can overcome it. and hey, what is there to be so worried about anyway? It's just life. Enjoy it my friend. Remember this also. If you start feeling like your not getting enough air, look at your fingernails, if they are not really blue, your getting plenty of air. I used to go to the emergency room, and they would laugh when they showed me that I was getting 98% oxygen all on my own and that there was nothing to freak out about. Chill out and tell yourself your fine. It takes alot to knock the life out of someone. Anxiety won't do it. Hope this helps.
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Boy have I been there. Most likely what's going on is that you have a deviated septum. I have the exact same problem, anxiety, one side of nose blocked and all that you mention. The only thing that will work long term is to have the septum repaired surgically. Not a big deal. Caused by a blow to the nose usually. DO NOT do what I did. I could not deal with the sensation of the blockage, so like you, I began having panic attacks. I started using an over the counter nasal spray like Afrin to open up that side of my nose. These types of sprays have a rebound effect if used for more than a few days. Which means, it will make your nose plug up worse than before and you will be forced to continue to use the spray to stay open. Unfortunately what happens next is eventual fluid build up in your inner ears, vasomotor rhinitis (the sinus tissue becomes over sensitive to every irritant and becomes congested and painful), sinusitis, dizziness and massive headaches. Every thing you don't want especially if you suffer from panic attacks. See an ENT and get diagnosed. Flonase will open you up, it's safer. It takes a few days to a week to start working. And get some therapy for your anxiety. Learning how to breath properly will really help.
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