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Sinus drainage and coughing at night

I have severe drainage down the back of my throat causing me to wake up coughing so much at night that I cannot sleep.  I have this sometimes during the day, however at when I lay down it gets really bad.  I have tried so many mediciines and nothing helps. Anyone having any suggestions I would appreciate it.
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I have the same problem.  Waking up in the middle of the night because I feel like I am choking from swallowing so much!  I quit smoking over 3 years ago and this started soon after that.  I do have an appointment with a sinus specialist and I do hope he can help.  This is such a terrible feeling.  
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I would suggest you get a CT scan of your sinuses and a chest xray done. Do post us the reports here too.

You should then discuss with your doctor about the role of inhaled steroids in your case.

You should try steam inhalation, warm saline gargles, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications and see if it helps with your symptoms. If you have symptoms of reflux, you should try some antireflux, antinausea medications.

Then you can discuss about the CPAP for your sleep apnea.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you need any other information.


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Thank you for this post. I'm having the exact problem (minus the cough but I swallow like crazy instead) for 2+ years, and I have not solved it. I have been prescribed several expense antihistamines and it sees to dry it up a little, but then it thickens and is worse in my sleep. Nothing with saline seems to make any impact. I also tried allergy injections for 9 mos. this past year and that didn't seem to help either.

*My husband has noticed I occassionally stop breathing at night. I was considering living with the drainage problem, until lately the sleeping issues are becoming too much.*

I decided to see a Ear, Nose Throat specialist and I'm trying reflux medication (on it for 2 weeks now) -even though I have no symptoms from anything coming up from my stomach. It is because I was pointing to my airway/esophagus repeatedly and that is where the mucus gets stuck. I'm not coughing, I just cannot breathe well, swallowing like crazy at night and then I'm sleepy during the day.

It's been said to me that I should see a sleep specialist and get a cpap. My argument is to first stop the build-up and webbing of the mucus in my throat first.

When I follow-up with this specialist my plan is to request some blood tests, such as for infection or food allergies. Many of the helpful comments from Dr. Bhumika haven given me more to seek out. Thank you again so much! Any further comments are appreciated.

Best Wishes,

p.s. Warning -the elevation with pillows is tricky because you can cause your neck to ache in the morning.
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Has a chest xray and CT scan of your sinuses been done? Do you have any fever or sputum production?

Has a lung function test been done?

Have you had allergic reactions in the past? Are you allergic to any specific substances?

Do you have any other symptoms like breathlessness, reflux symptoms or heartburn or nasal symptoms like nasal discharge etc.

Chronic cough is usually seen in cases of asthma, GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease and sinusitis due to the post nasal drip. You should also talk to your doctor about whether this could be a bacterial infection, viral infection or tuberculosis.

You should try steam inhalation, warm saline gargles, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications and see if it helps with your symptoms. If you have symptoms of reflux, you should try some antireflux, antinausea medications.

If the cough still persists, it would be best to consult your doctor and also get a chest xray done to rule out a chest infection.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you need any other information.

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A good website is called www.5pillars.com.  This drainage is it because of a cold, or do you have it all the time?
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I would elevate your head with an extra pillow or two.
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