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Sinus problem, heavy head etc, please help!


I suffer from a few allergies including gluten and soya. If I eat those things I always get a sinus type headache but it normally just lasts a day. I'm also allergic to cheap earrings I think. When I wear them my ears feel swollen and I get a rash and sore holes.

I didn't wear earrings for months because of this but then last Saturday (23rd July) I stupidly bought some cheap earrings and wore them. They instantly irritated me but I kept them in for a few hours. I was very sore and swollen after but it eased off.

Then the next day I developed a sinus type headache. Pain and pressure across my forehead and nose, and a general headache. It's gradually eased off over the last week but I'm still feeling a bit of pressure in my nose area and my head feels kind of heavy. Also my eyes are a bit sore and my vision feels funny. Not blurry as such, just kind of weird and hard to focus.

I'm freaking out!

I heard sinus problems can last for weeks? Is this the case, and has anyone had these kind of symptoms? Particularly with their sight?

I suffer quite badly with anxiety and I'm giving myself palpitations just thinking I'm going to die or go blind or something!

Can anyone help me out?

Thank you xxx
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535822 tn?1443976780
I get something similar but have put it down to allergies especially as its very hot here..my eyes sting and irritate..my head aches sometimes ..Do you go into the garden a lot I do and I think I get the allergies from there .I just let it pass.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The ear symptoms described by you could be due a skin disorder called eczema. People who suffer from this disorder should avoid contact with triggering factors like soaps, cosmetics, jewelry, clothing, and detergents. Sometimes sweat, changes in temperature and psychological stress are known to trigger these episodes. So, the best way to prevent attacks is to identify those substances which you are allergic to and avoid them.
Sinus infections can cause stuffiness of the nose with nasal blockage, which can make breathing through the nose difficult. It can also cause post nasal drip and lead to an irritation in the throat. You will need to consult your primary care physician for proper assessment. In the meantime practice good breathing exercises, humidify your room and do steam inhalations.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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