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Sinus symptoms and body aches, fatigue?


This is my first post.  I am an otherwise healthy 32 year old male, but frustrated by this recent baffling problem.

For the last 2-3 weeks, I've had mild sinus congestion & pressure, along with strange "flu-like" body aches, weakness & fatigue.  I have no fever or night sweats, and nasal mucous is clear.

I do get a lot of allergies, but never these "flu-like" symptoms.  I went to the doc and have been taking Septra for a possible sinus infection, but no improvement.

I don't know what's linking the sinus condition with the other symptoms... virus (like chronic fatigue), allergies, infection, autoimmune disorder (hope not)?

Any advice or comments welcome.
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I am a 40yr old woman who for the last year (probably longer) has been suffering aches everywhere! My sinuses are always clogged, I wake up exhausted, i mean EXHAUSTED! During the nite my back ( both lower and middle) hurts so bad I am awakened by it. My chest feels like an elephant is on it, but probably the worst pain is MY SHOULDERS AND KNECK, ALSO SHOULDER BLADES!!! But really everywhere, if my 8yr old son goes to lean on me or just put his elbow lightly on my legs or arms it hurts so bad I have to move it, my muscle ache is unbearable. It hurts to breath in deeply, I can not exercise as I get so winded and to just walk down the street my muscles begin hurting. It seems as though my kneck is a big problem, I think my nodes are swollen, I even get pain in my jaw and teeth???? My ears are always "itchy" inside. I banged my ankle the other day not too hard but it instantly bruised badly and it is still sore 8 days later?????? Why am I feeling this way??????????????? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP
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You're symptoms sound surprisingly close to my own. I'm currently awaiting blood work to see what it may be. The doctor thinks it's a virus/sinus issue and prescribed Flonase but, I've never had anything like this. I'm skeptical of the doctor and her diagnoses. I don't think that the blood test are going to show anything. It feels like I'm shaky and feverish at times, almost like flu like symptoms but, very faint. I don't seem to ever have a temperature. The fatigue is extremely annoying. I will say this, the people that are posting about anxiety would be way off the mark in my case. I was working out about 4-5 times a week prior to this and felt healthier than I've ever felt in my life. This hit me like a ton of brick and I felt too weak and too fatigued to do anything.

Based on what I've read, I'm starting to get concerned about this thing lingering on. The only thing that I see that may be a possibility is the corn allergy angle but, I'm skeptical of that too. Let me know if you've had any luck since your last post.
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Hi. For the past several weeks or so. living in the NYC area, there has been a lot of high pollen, etc. Often I will react to this in the typical way, with sneezing, etc. I've found Nasalcrom to help in this regard.

But lately, I haven't sneezed much, nor have I had much of a runny nose or eye itching. What I HAVE had is a kind of achy-ness, as though from a very mild fever, which I don't think I have - kind of the way I might feel on rare exposure to too much sun - which IO haven't done. It's not debilitating, but annoyingly there. I can't prove it, but I feel that it is a more internalized allergic reaction. Other that that, I function well, have a lot of energy, etc.

Any thoughts?
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Had the same sinus thing for years. Same symptoms over and over.  Pretty constantly sick Would even blow up pus, and yet over and over, my CT scan was negative.  Finally, I took a picture of the stuff coming out, next to a quarter to give the doc an idea of the amount ( alot).  FINALLY somebody REALLY looked carefully at the CT scan  because of the picture of the pus. And mind you 3 ENT docs I work with and are my friends had looked and 2 had missed it.   They discovered I had an anomaly in the turbinates, basically a space that should not have been there with a tract that emerged right at the opening of my sinus.  So Once it started oozing into the sinus I would get the symptoms, but really I always had a subclinical case.  My advice:  If your CT is clear, take a picture of whats coming out of your nose for your doctor.  If it is like me, have them really really look closely, these tracts are hard to see.  But if they have the proof of the pus so to speak, they will have to look closer.  Then Have surgery and get it out.  That was the only way.  After thirty years, I have not had a sinus reoccurance.  To all who may benefit SG, RN
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I had a flu shot about 10 days ago and I have suffered with body aches and sinus pressure since.  Do you think it is related.  Nothing is helping.  I have a blood pressure problem which is under control with drugs but there is alot of meds I cannot take.  I am trying a nose spray and nettie pot.  Not helping much.
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Symptoms I read here all sound very familiar. Stomach (and general abdominal) pain. Sinus issues. Joint pain. Non-localized headache. And so on. This has been beating me down for months now. It's physically and mentally exhausting. Thus far, the treatments have not helped. The physical examinations and the blood work show nothing. I ought to be "well", I suppose. Yet I feel like ****. I have always exercised and tried to keep in shape. Now fifty-two. Feeling eighty-two, and on my last legs. What does a person do when the medical community tells you they can find nothing, and yet you feel, all day every day, like death warmed up? Sure, I have suffered from depression. But this isn't all in the mind, I know that for sure. I am feeling pretty hopeless about now. Suggestions?
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