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Sinus symptoms and body aches, fatigue?


This is my first post.  I am an otherwise healthy 32 year old male, but frustrated by this recent baffling problem.

For the last 2-3 weeks, I've had mild sinus congestion & pressure, along with strange "flu-like" body aches, weakness & fatigue.  I have no fever or night sweats, and nasal mucous is clear.

I do get a lot of allergies, but never these "flu-like" symptoms.  I went to the doc and have been taking Septra for a possible sinus infection, but no improvement.

I don't know what's linking the sinus condition with the other symptoms... virus (like chronic fatigue), allergies, infection, autoimmune disorder (hope not)?

Any advice or comments welcome.
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A book that literally saved my life. After a complete spinal fusion, and 6 weeks of anti-biotics, "JUST IN CASE", my health was declining. Constant yeast infections, not able to think clearly or concentrate, major joint pains and muscle aches,ear aches,groin pain...from head to toe. Doc said-nothing wrong. I went to the library and studied every possible connection to my symptoms. One book resonated with me so clearly. "The Yeast Connection" by William Crook, and a few other who point to yeast/mold/environmental molds. I never really liked sweet things but LOVED bread(any kind) and beer, which I later found turns to sugar in your body, as do most grains and carbs,therefore, feeding the yeast. After awhile they grow long leg-like strings that cling to your intestines and are very difficult to get rid of, especially if they have caused leaky gut syndrome. SOOO-I MADE my Dr. sent me to an allergist, even though he told me I was wrong, and sure enough, about 10 things came up positive. Itook immunology injections 3x's a week for 5 years, and cut out all fermented,pickled,items, as well as mushrooms, any sugar, alcohol,bread-long list. The injections actually are made specifically for you, and are what you are allergic to, so the immune system kicks in and de-sensitises  you to all you have sensitivities to. Haven't taken an anti-biotic since '94, and never will again, unless it is something life threatening. Get this book at the library, or used on amazon-you won't believe how many things are in it that you can do yourself-get the most updated version-lots of new remedies. MUST read!
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I am a registered nurse and I hate going to the doctor so I will try everything I can before doing so.  However, recently I went shallow water diving and got disgusting sludge up my nose that caused a severe and I do mean severe sinus infection. Morphine that I had laying around wouldn't even touch the body aches, migraines, and the worst fatigue you could imagine.  I took to the bed for days and was so ill  I had blood clots and pus coming out of my nose.  I had to be practically carried into the doctor and when I questioned him as to how a sinus infection could cause my symptoms he said and did the following. Shot of depo-medrol, afrin 2 times a day for ONLY 3 days, Saline mist every 3 hours.  He explained that if he could show me how deep the sinuses reach I would be amazed and it is not at all uncommon to feel like death warmed over.  He also prescribed Amoxicillin which has Clavulanate Potassium and this was important for a sinus infection not to be confused with sinusitus which is just an inflammation of the sinuses not an infection.  After 5 days of severe pain all over, even in my teeth, I followed his instructions to the T and in less than 12 hours I feel like a new person.  No more symptoms at all except some weakness from the infection on my body and laying in bed for days.  Yesterday I was carried into the doctor and today I am up and about.  Good Luck Dan I hope this helps.  P.S.  I never take antibiotics but in this case I made an exception.  
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I have had most of the symptoms described above. Constant low-grade fever.  Loss of appetite. Aching head, ears, neck, arms, back, hips, legs.  Waking up now, this morning, yes, the symptoms are worse.  We have a mildew problem in our living room. I never took that into consideration.  I have always had severe hay fever in August and September.  Although the itchy and swollen eyes and itchy ears and throat and the extreme congestion I used to experience with seasonal allergies seem to have subsided with age, I have been wondering if my allergies were causing these other things.  Sounds like they are and it sounds like I need to take seriously again the fact that dust and mold in my environment will affect my health in more ways than simply being inconvenienced with an occasional sneeze or a little bit of a runny nose.
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I suppose I am happy that I am not alone in this odd ailment, but I only wish that in the past few years there had been some diagnosis and help for all of you.  

As are all of you, I am suffering from sinus pressure (with no discharge), daily headaches, dizziness, joint pain, loss of appetite, occasional stomach discomfort, light sensitivity (but not to the degree one with a migraine would experience), and extreme fatigue.  I am 40, and am in otherwise good shape.  I don't smoke;  I don't drink - I'm boring.  This has been going on for months.

I cannot simply point to an onset of food allergies, simply because my wife is also going though the same issues and the appearance of our symptoms coincides.  If this is not viral or bacterial, then I am guessing it is environmental, and possibly related to mold, though I have no evidence yet to back this up.

This current cycle began a few weeks back.  My middle child had swollen glands in his throat, and we brought him to the doctor.  The rest of the family felt fine.  He was tested for strep using a rapid culture and the result on the exam's view window was a faint line, which they figured meant he tested positive, and he was prescribed antibiotics.  In the mean time, they sent his culture to the lab for a full work-up because the line was not as conclusive as they normally see.  A few days later, my oldest child complained of a sore throat, he tested positive on the rapid culture, and the entire family was put on antibiotics as a preventive measure.  That afternoon, the middle son's results came back from the lab - he did NOT have strep (despite the fact that the rapid test is considered 98% accurate).  The oldest child never showed signs of having strep;  normally, the throat condition would have produced many more difficulties.

Two days after beginning the antibiotics, the family showed signs of Herxheimer reactions.  My oldest and I spiked fevers over 104 degrees, and my wife went over 103.  Once that passed, however, it was the best I'd felt in years.  Once the antibiotics were done, I felt the loss of energy again, and the joint pains came back with a vengeance.

We ended up bringing my wife to the ER, where she was given a CT scan, full blood work, a spinal tap, and pain killers.  She had been unable to rise from bed for two days before we went to the hospital.  All the tests were negative.  After a process of elimination, she was told she had viral meningitis.

I worried that it might be Lyme meningitis (the two are very similar), and we were both tested for Lyme disease (our middle child, aged 3, tested positive earlier this year).  Our tests came negative.

The oldest and youngest child seem to be fine now.  The middle seems weaker and constantly irritable (okay, he is 3, so that's inconclusive).  My wife and I are constantly tired, and have headaches.  In addition to the symptoms I mentioned earlier, my wife is also suffering a weird taste in her mouth, has itchy skin, and, oddly, nightmares.  She has been to the ER twice now with this, and has been dealing with these symptoms since March.

Since the doctors saw nothing in our test results, we have been told we are "fine."  Obviously we are not.

My best to you all.  If we find a solution, I'll let you know.  In the meantime, I'll be watching your posts to see if you find relief.

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Hello.  In March and April 2011  I suffered severely from chest wheezing, coughing, fever pain in every area of my body especially lower back.  I missed 2 weeks of work from this.  I have seen all sorts of doctors, even a Rheumatologist.  I was on antibotics for 3 months straight.  My dr. told me I just had an infection in my lungs.  I had knots form on my shins and that is what my dr. sent me to the rheumatologist for.  Nothing came from any of my dr. visits.  I was beginning to think it was in my head.  I can't really pin point the time the severe pain started but I do know I can track it back to December 2010.  I was taking a medicine for what I thought I had was fibromyalgia, it cause my heart to go into panic and I was hospitalized for a high heart rate and extremely high blood pressure, (which I do not have blood pressure problems).  I was so sick with all of the symptoms described in this forum.  I talked to my safety manager at work to see if it was mold but before I could get a team in to check things out this past May all of my sickness and back pain and allergy drainage, coughing, fever, wierd sounds in my ears like an ocean went away.  I was fine until the last week of August and I felt the symptoms coming on again.  The mild back ache and nose running.  Then I heard it in my ears like water.  It slowly has been coming back.  I have watched my food intake because I thought I was allergic to shrimp, but I don't think that's the case.  My sinuses are draining in my throat and ears and I am sneezing so bad.  I take an allergy medicine daily, Zyrtec D and it seems the symptoms are gradually growing worse.  If any one has any recommendations for me please let me know.  I am going crazy with all of this sickness and fatigue.  I love to ride my bicycle but I am feeling that will be in danger because of this allergy or whatever this is creeping back up on me.  HELP>
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i am 18 yr old male, my problem starts with a severe neck pain and headache and then i got mild fever in the morning and evening.also i am feeling very weak and sick i have this problem for last two weeks but for last two days i m feeling fullness in my right ear .......i am getting very tensed and also bad thoughts are coming in my mind i have visited my doc two times but not getting any relief ........................if somebody can told me what could be the possible cause of this problem
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