192055 tn?1263555537

Sinuses probs? Good meds for it?

I believe these symptoms are sinuses...

Pressure in eyes
Pressure under eyes

I can't stand when I get pressure in my eyes... feels like my eyes are going to explode!!

Anyone else have these symptoms? What do you take for it?
4 Responses
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You could be having sinusitis or rhinitis. Do you have associated symptoms of cough, wheeze, breathlessness, post nasal drip etc?

You should try steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications for your complaints and see if it helps with the symptoms.

You should see your doctor and get a clinical examination for a diagnosis and to evaluate if any investigations are required including blood tests, chest xray and CT scan of the sinuses.

Are you allergic to any specific substances or have had allergic reactions in the past?

Let us now about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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Could be sinusitis..."Sinusitis occurs when the sinuses are infected or inflamed. Sinusitis affects millions of Americans each year.2,3 Sinuses are hollow spaces in the bones around the nose and eyes that drain into the nose. When the sinuses cannot properly drain because of congestion or inflammation, fluid is trapped inside the sinus cavities.4 Fluid in the sinuses causes pressure, pain, and provides a place for bacteria or fungi to multiply. Sinusitis can be acute, lasting 3 to 8 weeks, or chronic, lasting more than 8 weeks.3 A chronic infection is more common and more severe in people with a weak immune system or who suffer from fungal infections."
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I have used Advils cold&sinus, but it's not to take for a long time thing, so take it until you see the doctor.
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I take sudafed, psedophedrine 30 mg. You can take 1-2 tabs every 4-6 hours. Best wishes. If you don't have any relief, you may want to check with the dr.
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