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Skin Problem

Good Day, I hope you are all well. Please could you kindly assist me, I have a huge problem with skin particularly on my hands.  Its very itchy and each time I scratch I get dark marks.  I'm not sure if it the kind of food that I eat but I've been using the same bathing soap, washing detergents as well as the same body cream.  
Is there any cream that I can use to get rid of the marks and stop the itching? I've tried Bio Oil as well as Johnson & Johnson's tissue oil but nothing helps.  Please help me, I would like to wear something sleevless this summer.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,
4 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

Itchy skin on the arms and hands can be due to Eczema or contact dermatitis.

Are you having a history of allergy?Pls get allergy tests like skin ***** tests or blood tests like RAST done to find out if you are allergic to something.

You could consider such things as a staph or strep infection that frequently causes a rash or itchy skin as well. Or perhaps you have come in contact with a poison or have a bacterial or fungal infection.

Scratching provides only temporary relief and doesn't promote healing of the underlying problem, it is best to avoid scratching if at all possible. If scratching breaks open the skin, bacterial infection can set in. And if scratching continues for many months or years, the area that is scratched may develop thickened skin (lichenification) or pigmentation that darkens the area. The best way to allow irritated skin to heal is to stop scratching it.

Also apply a good moisturizing lotion on your hands;but if it is due to bacterial or fungal infection then antibiotics or anti fungal creams are needed.

Take an antihistaminic like benadryl or Claritin.It will help if allergy is the cause.

Pls consult a dermatologist if the symptoms still persist.

Take care and do keep us posted on how you are doing.
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Thank you ever so much for your prompt response.  I will make sure that relevant test are done on my skin.  I'll also try and get photos of my hands so that you can see how they are.

May God bless you abanduntly for being so helpful.

Stay Blessed!

P.S. I will keep you posted about my condition.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Also you can put "Urticaria" in the search engine if they look like Hives, hives are larger red or pink blotches and if you scratch they come up in Wheals and burn and itch, could be you are allergic.to something hope it feels better soon.
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580723 tn?1218004925
Hello there,

I'm Victoria..
I'm just looking to see if anyone has similar experiences. I am 30 years old, and have allergies. In the last 4 & half years, I have been allergic after my appendix operation. After the operations, my whole body is pain & itchy.. Doctor said im allergic to "CEPHALEXIN".. Adviceable not to take any medicines on it.

Not sure what makes me allergy mostly at the hands.. Maybe the dust, drug allergies, food allergies,  certain chemicals in shampoos, shower gels.. When allergies happened, my body feels hot, hurt, pain & itchy all over my hands, including my face, body & legs.. The most seriousnes is my hands.. I'm normally take up medicines given by doctor. The medicines are fungus, itchy & allergy.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience of this or the symptoms and if so what can help - apart from taking the medicines on itchiness!

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