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Skin Rashes

I have been getting skin rashes from my early childhood. These Rashes tend to come mostly during the Summer months of the year. They usually seem like a mosquito bite. They first occurs behind the ear, then around the neck, head scalp and spread to the back. Finally i get them even in my face. They are very itchy . They usually seem to have a cycle like 24 hours. They start by afternoon and get intense by evening and disappear while i sleep. The body gets heated up so much during that time. I also have some symtopms of cold that time.
These rashes get worsened when i go out in the sun and dirt gets accumulated in the skin due to sweat. The areas covered by thick and tight clothing usually get affected more. Another thing which tends to worsen the case is Stress. The main thing is however bad may be these rashes on a particular day they get disappeared during night when i sleep. During the months when i don't get this i do all the normal things eat everything but i don get this rash. am quite puzzled and I have trying to find out the root cause for this. Kindly Advice with your findings. Thanks in Advance.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, sweating is known to cause allergic manifestations in certain individuals and can worsened with concomitant Atopic dermatitis or Contact dermatitis. You have long history of allergy.  

Usually allergens are small molecules which can penetrate the layers of the skin and sweating is known to enhance this action. Stinging insects, Aeroallergens (uncommon), Foods and additives like Milk, egg, peanuts, nuts, soy, and wheat are the most common agents to cause such reactions.

Topical lotions such as calamine decreases pain and pruritus. Systemic antihistamines (antipruritics) such as hydroxyzine or cetirizine against prescription may be helpful. Even addition of corticosteroids has possible benefits.

Talcum, Aluminum Chloride with Ethyl Alcohol, Anticholinergics or Propantheline Bromide at bedtime can be used against prescription. The actual treatment would be avoidance of the primary allergen.

I suggest you to consult dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment. Take care and regards.

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Thanks for your valuable advice Dr Rajput.

But am puzzled on how they disappear at night when i sleep ? Any Specific reason for this ?

Also one more query.. Can common cold and dust allergy enhance this type of allergy during summer ??
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, yes, summer can worsen the skin allergic reaction because of more sweating. Sweat is known to have permissive action to allergens. This also may be a reason, you are symptomless in night. Hence, avoid sweating by using anti perspirants. Take care and regards.
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