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Skin irritation due to use of dettol !!

Dear Sir,
I have used dettol on my scrotum and now its paining a lot like a burn.
Kindly suggest me what to do?
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Dettol is a concentrated solution and should be diluted before applying to sensitive areas and skin. Otherwise this causes chemical burns like condition. You can apply calamine lotion or some anti burn cream and wear loose clothes to avoid friction. This should normally heal. However if symptoms persist do consult a doctor.
It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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I have the same problem
The pharmacist gave me some benadryl pills ( that make you sleepy)
and some dove soap for sensitive skin. Use that it will help you :D
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I used on my anus and it must have caused a terrible reaction. I am still have problems with anus discomfortable 12 days after the foolish application.
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oh, doctor, if you think that the dettol reaction on my anus will ever go away? It's seems to be lingering and i'm getting worried.
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two days back i had shaved my private parts using safety blade then i  applied  dettol , after applying dettol on scrotum skin i got huge burning sensation two days later the skin on scrotum started shedding in dry skin form  (of area sizes in a square inch or less) . now wat treatment i should follow to stop skin shedding .
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i have red itchy bumps on my penis head,body, shaft,scrotum and my body itches all over i think its an allergic reaction to something pls doctor what treatment should i use
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