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Some symptoms of something unknown

I wasn't sure where to put this, so here it goes:

A few days ago my upper lip felt raw also, like a layer of skin was missing, leaving the soft layer below. I thought it was chapped and thought nothing of it. Then it hardened, and there is almost something of a crust on that lip. I also have these bumps on the roof of my mouth, that can be irritating sometimes. There is also something like a cold sore on my tongue, it is not a bump exactly, but a white ring kind of bump. I have recently had poison ivy on my face, and it is still on my ear (going away). The crust on my lip is hardly noticeable to the naked eye, and can be removed easily, so that is what leads me to believe it is a crust, rather than skin.
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I have changed my diet recently, and have had no form of sexual inercourse.
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Such symptoms can be due to vit B deficiency,contact dermatitis or cheilitis. Take some vitamin B complex for some days and see if your symptoms improve.

Avoid licking the lips as saliva evaporates quickly resulting in them being drier than before. Drink plenty of water and do not apply lipstick or other cosmetic products for some days. Use a humidifier to moisturize the air in your home and apply shea butter or Vaseline on your lips.

If the symptoms persist then pls consult a dermatologist.

I hope it helps.Take care and regards.

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Thank you very much! I have been searching for a legitimate opinion for two days. I will follow up on all you have mentioned!
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