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Sour smell

I have been noticing for about 2 or 3 months now that I have been smelling a sour cheese or feet smell. I thought it was something in my room because I never noticed it anywhere else, and would smell it the strongest when I laid down in bed. I then found out it has to be in my sinuses, because I was doing my daily walk and smelled the strong sour smell again outside. What could be the cause of this?
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563773 tn?1374246539
From your symptoms of bad odor, the causes include atrophic rhinits, teeth and gum problems, sinus infections, respiratory tract problems, gastrointestinal problems, systemic infections etc. The smell is due to gases produced by the action of certain bacteria on protein and other substances. These bacteria may be present on your tongue, in your mouth, Gums , nose, tonsils, esophagus or stomach.

Inhale plenty of steam and try cleaning the tongue with tongue cleaner and using a mouth wash with mint etc. if the symptoms persist then get an evaluation done from an ENT specialist.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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My husband and I both had this problem a short while ago and finally traced it to the macadamia nuts we were eating a lot of. Later, we found out hazelnuts have the same effect (different smell, though) if we eat a lot of them.

We had to wash all our clothes. Funny, but the smell was pretty awful.
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Thanks, I will get a vaporizer and try some steam to clear my nose. I do have to say my sinuses seems slightly blocked anyways. I'll deffinately let you know how it goes.
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Well, I hope ya'll figured it out, but I don't eat either of those nuts. I have tried them years, and years ago and thought they were disqusting. But thanks for the thought!
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