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Hello,  It started off my skin being super sensitive feeling like I could feel a hair touching my skin.  Then I started getting the feeling like bugs were crawling on my skin but nothing there or soemthing crawling in eyeborwn and nothing there.  Now I am having pains all over my body like it feels like a bee bites me, but nothign there.  The crawling sensation is still there off/on.  Sometimes it feels like my hands/legs feels like numb.  I have been seeing alot of red like dots like a red pen inked on me all over my body but dr said probably broked vessels its hereditary.  I went to dr .  I had previously been on B6 100 mg for abuot 3 weeks becuase i was told by my urologist this may help prevent more kidney stones. I went off those becuase i felt like it was keeping me up to much.  The dr said that she thought it could be like w/d symptoms from the b6 or it could be another type of deficiency but did not think bugs at all.  It came back I have iron deficency but no anemia and my b6 levels were normal but low normal.  
She put me on ferrous sulfate for a month and back on b6 pills 50 mg. I was wondering do these symptoms sound like they coudl be becuase of a iron deficeny or b6 low level?  If so how long should it take with these pills for these symptoms to go away?  Or what else coudl it be.  Its driving me nuts.  I use free/clear laudry soap.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The symptom described by you could be due to neuropathy. It is a disorder of the nerves which causes numbness, tingling, unusual sensations and sometimes pain. Diabetes Mellitus can cause neuropathy. Other causes like vitamin deficiencies, alcohol consumption and certain medications can cause neuropathy. So, check for other vitamin deficiencies and continue with your supplements and iron, till normal levels are reached. Also, ensure to take a balanced diet.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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I know this is in response to a post that is months old, but I had to reply incase you may still read it. Everything you described I have- the sudden stinging sensation that feels like I've definitely just been bitten by an insect (nothing there), feeling like I've got bugs crawling on me, the red ink dots, and this also started as me always feeling like I had a hair down the back of shirt or something.  I am miserable and I honestly don't know how much more of this I can take. By some miracle did you ever find a cause and treatment??? Anything you can offer would be so appreciated. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sensation of bugs crawling on skin and stings yet no bite marks?
This was driving me crazy over the span of months. My left eye itched terribly in the morning and there was redness and burning along with a fair amount of surplus morning discharge.
At first I thought it was a fungal infection, then for a while I was convinced that microscopic parasites were crawling on my skin but after trying lice shampoos, tea tree oil, and diatomaceous earth placed strategically everywhere as well as consuming a tablespoon per day for the internal buggers, I still had no relief and therefore ruled out parasites.
I realize going into a doctor’s office with a bugs crawling symptom and no bite marks is like asking to be committed to a mental institution so instead of doing this I did many hours of continuous online research over weeks saving anything that I thought may prove useful or relevant in the future and refrained from disclosing the bug sensation to the doctor or anyone until I was sure what was afflicting me.
Then I had noticed there were mold spores on the shelves in the bathroom by the millions and with a lot more research I now had an explanation for ALL of the symptoms including my irritability. Yes, the mold spores can wreak havoc on the central nervous system and cause the unpleasant sensation of stinging and crawling on skin.  
Seach 'How Mold affects the body' on YouTube if the following link doesnt appear. This is your brain on MOLD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp0IE9uUNAE
I narrowed the genus down to Alternia which is common and had grown rapidly due to a leaky roof.
I am allergic to this genus of mold and it even caused me some itchy hives which I thought were mosquito bites at first but they were less raised than mosquito bites and took many days longer to heal. In searching for images I came across a picture displaying multiple types of bug bites but it also showed allergic reactions to different plants and types of mold which was a match.
There was an enlargement of the pore in the center which was larger than what a mosquito would leave in its wake.
  The doctor prescribed a 10 day course of itroconazole at my request because it has gotten deep into my left eye. Luckily I have been seeing him for quite some time about this and tried some of the solutions suggested. I provided detailed research with supporting documentation from published NIH (National Institute of Health USA) found online which stated that this is the most effective medication for treating this condition. A doctor who will actually listen to you is priceless and can save you a lot of time, money, and frustration.  
Not only did we have a leaky roof but it is common in Panama where I now live that house builders will not install any attic ventilation which makes the perfect breeding ground of stagnant air. When combined with a water leak the conditions are ripe for mold growth, primarily Alternaria. It will grow on  semi organic materials which includes many building materials you would never suspect.
Alternia spores are common and you cannot get away from them as they are everywhere but you can do things to reduce their recurrence and spread.
Keep air circulating. Stagnant air is like stagnant water and will promote mold growth. Even just one hour of circulation when humidity is low is better than nothing.
Close windows when it rains and turn on a dehumidifier with the humidity setting set below 50 percent. This also creates heat which mold does not like.
Space clothes apart from each other and air out the closets. Add “Damp Rid” moisture collection disposable devices and replace when filled with water. There are some reusable versions of this for sale on the internet.  
Bring any furniture that is up against a wall at least 4-6 inches away from the wall. Farther for the walls that are exposed to the outdoors so air can flow.
Remove any cardboard boxes from the floor and check for moisture and cardboard or cloth. Leather will mold very quickly here. Mold does not like light so you may use this fact to combat it in some areas if practical.
If you do find an affected area wash in hot water and laundry or dish detergent. Avoid using bleach as it does not kill the spores and the vapors are more toxic than detergents.
Keep lids on boiling pots and exhaust fans running in the bath. Turning on the cold water before the hot will reduce the amount of moisture released into the air in the form of steam. Repeated condensation on windows can also cause problem moisture areas and it is best if you wipe any window or condensation on glass with a cloth.  
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but what do you do when you can't avoid 100% mold exposure and the tiniest quantity of spores becomes insufferable? Can't wear anything, moving out of my current apptmt soon though.  I've moved 5 times in one year though mainly cause of this problem (water leaks // mold issues// crawling, biting spores)... thx in advance!!
is there a treatment? no antihistamine has worked for me. immunotherapy/ allergic densensitization maybe..
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