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Help for unexaplained Rashes and Itches!

Hello everyone.

My wife has suddenly developed sponteanous rashes and itches all over her body, at random places. She went to the alergist and he recmomended some medicines that are not working. They just reduced very little of the itching. She took almost every anti-allergic medicine out there, polaramine, allegra, agasten, etc.  

This has been going on for about 4 days now and she is getting desperate because there is NOTHING she can take (orally) that helps reduce the itching on any of the sponteanous bursts. There are no side effects whatsoever, only eternal itching.

She did alot of blood exams and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. No high immune responses, nothing.

I've uploaded some images to see if anyone could any of you guys could help me figure out what this could be or at least suggest a possible solution for the itching.

Thank you very much!

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I am not sure if this will help or not but worth a try.

I have had chronic hives for 7 years and no none knew what caused them. I finally found a doctor, OBGYN who thinks he knows what is going on.

They started right after I had my daughter. I had them very mildly prior to that so mild I had no idea what they were.  Very randomly they would pop out then go away. They came with a vengeance after her birth and have never left.
I was just diagnosed so I am not sure if this is the cure or not.  

I have low testosterone and high progesterone. They are putting me on testosterone cream to see if it makes them stop. I will keep you posted.

Get your testosterone and progesterone tested!  Doctors had no idea what was wrong with me and it turned out it wasn't my thyroid. But by going to an endo I did discover I had thyroid cancer, another story there.

So get tested for low testosterone and see if it is the answer!
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It is working!  The testosterone is working great! My hives have gone down! My does may need to get larger but its working!
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