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Sun allergy

I'm 22 and 2 years ago for the first time I suffered from sun allergy.It wasn't spring, it was the middle of the summer, actually. It makes me itch a lot, the chest area, and arm areas become very red. after a short period of sun exposing, I always have these indications, only they become stronger and more discomforting. the medications I used didn't help at all. they were Calcium C, Histalor, and sun protection cream. How can you help me get rid os this alergy and expose to the sun normally again?
thank you very much
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Hi, What facor sunblock are you using? If it is definately a reaction to sunlight you may have a condition called polymorphic light eruption. I have had this since I was in my early 20s. You need to use a five star sunblock such as uvistat 30 which offers a very high protection and offers protection against uva and uvb rays from the sun. Hope this is of some use.
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You can get an Rx sunblock, and get your health insurance to pay for it.
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It sounds like polymorphous light eruption which shows up in spring and usually gets better as the summer goes on, but comes back the following year. Or it could be solar urticaria. Sunscreens with UVA protection can help reduce the reaction with a PPD of greater than 15.

I have created a support group for sun sensitive people.  
Our website is at Website: http://sun1.awardspace.com/index.html
Our forum is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sun1/
To join, you need to join yahoo, then join our group. Please come by and say hi.

We are a support group for people who suffer from sun sensitivities such as solar urticaria, lupus, porphyria sun hives, photosensitivity, sun allergy, rheumatoid arthritis, actinic prurigo, hydroa vacciniforme, chronic actinic dermatitis, albinism, and more. We share our experiences and ways of coping and living with sun sensitivity such as sunscreens, clothing, hats, sunglasses and the effectiveness of medical treatments. Sun sensitivity shows usually shows up as a bad sunburn in a very short amount of time. Sun sensitivity can be due to drugs or medications, plants, phototoxicity, genetics and diseases.

See you there,

Moderators: We are a rare group, so we have a tough time finding each other. So I would appreciate you letting me post this message.

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