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Swelling on bottoms of feet

I'm a healthy 18 year old male.  About a month ago I had swelling about the size of a half dollar on the bottom of both feet.  Red and just a bit itchy, but I could see and feel the swelling.  It went away after a few hours on its own.  Since then I have experienced swelling like this on the bottoms of my feet several times, once on the bottom of the inside of my hand (this was the largest swollen area I've had) and just now a new one today -  I woke up with my bottom lip swollen, just half of it.  I have eliminated pop and red bull, I thought I was swelling after I had that.  But the last few times I had the swelling I hadn't ingested those things.  Now I'm wondering if it had something to do with dust or mites because most of the time when I get this swelling its in the morning, after I slept over at a friends in the basement or on the floor, or on my couch in my downstairs.  I'm just so confused why this is happening !!  Bendryl does help it go away.  I've had this swelling maybe 8 times in the last month  

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My boyfriend suffers from the same kind of thing, although the first instance was in his tonsils.  We haven't managed to find a cause for it, even though he's been to hospital a few times and had blood tests to screen for allergies.  In his case it sometimes seems to be stress related too.

If you can, see a doctor to get an epipen - these swellings can occur in the throat and if it's bad enough you may have trouble breathing
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563773 tn?1374246539
I cannot confirm anything without examination, but it sounds like angioedema.It is similar to hives, but the swelling is beneath the skin rather than on the surface. Animal dander and dust mites can also cause it.

Try avoiding dust mites as far as possible. But if the symptoms occur again take some antihistaminic like Benadryl or Claritin. Also take some oral steroids after consulting a doctor.It is also advisable to carry an epipen with you and wear a medical alert bracelet as sometimes can be life threatening also esp. when it involves the respiratory muscles.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.Kind regards.
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I have angiedema for years, i can handle my feet swelling, but my tongue is awlful. i get scared of swelling up not being able to swallow, any suggustions why this is still happenoing?
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Hi all,
I finally figured out what was causing my random swelling, maybe on a foot or hand or half of my tongue or upper lip, lower lip, half of my throat.
Corn, anything with corn in it, corn syrup, corn breaded fish, canola oil.
Problem is, it requires 24 to 72 hours from eating corn to itch and swell symptom, usually 48-56 hours. Try a corn free diet, read the ingredients, everything has corn in it.
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